by Dogpatch 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch


    MP3 Available Here

    altLORRI MacGREGOR, co-founder along with her husband Keith of MacGregor Ministries a Christian counter-cult apologetics organization in British Columbia, Canada, will address the theme: "CANADA GAGS THE GOSPEL." The Canadian Government will not allow any critiques of other religions. You can be any religion you want as long as you do nothing but promote your own religion. In Lorri & Keith's case, in addition to presenting the Christian religion, they were responding to attacks on Christianity.

    MacGregor Ministries carefully documented these attacks and responded to them from a biblical perspective, in a respectful and even kind manner. To their knowledge, none of the groups attacking Christianity through their websites or magazines got taken to task, only MacGregor Ministries! At the same time, they present sound, biblical, Christian doctrine, which promotes the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is, of course, their purpose. They were told they had to present all religions as equal, could not be "persuasive" regarding Christianity over others, and had to get rid of their website and magazine. Their presentation of the Christian gospel through their DVD's and printed matter was ruled "uncharitable" and their careful critique of others in defense of Christian doctrine was called "hate". Since they could not compromise their faith, they had to ask that they Charity status be voluntarily revoked.

    MacGregor Ministries was in operation as a registered charity run by full-time volunteers since 1980, using no funds for fundraising or salaries, and donating their creative efforts to the Charity at no cost to the Charity. The valuable work of MacGregor Ministries will continue as a corporation, MM Outreach, Box 454, Metaline Falls, WA 99153. They are but one of 2,500 charities that ceased to exist in Canada this year, due to government efforts to shut down registered charities.Lorri MacGregor grew up in a good home, but not a Christian home. When she was 18 years of age two life-changing events occurred. Her beloved grandmother died, and she was present in a high school shooting, with her friend dying as she knelt beside him. Lorri was traumatized, but there was no recognition of that problem in the late 1960's so she was sent home. She began seeking God in earnest, even contacting two pastors who more or less dismissed her. The Mormons came to their door first, but as Lorri questioned them she just knew God was not an exalted man from a star-base who had many wives and children in heaven.

    Enter the Jehovah's Witnesses. By scripture hopscotching and what seemed to be a lot of knowledge they did away with the Christian doctrines Lorri had found in the encyclopedia during her search, the Trinity, the Deity of Jesus Christ, the bodily resurrection. With no Christian background she was easy prey for the JW's. Also she had always been works-oriented so their religion was a fit. Grace was never mentioned, and salvation was by works.Most of the teenagers in the JW congregation were married as early marriages were encouraged. Lorri was already enrolled in University but was pressured by the elders to do two things due to Armageddon coming so quickly. She was urged to drop out of University and to get quickly married to a JW, as she was already the advanced age of 18! Lorri wanted so much to please God that she obeyed the elders, his alleged representatives on earth. She believe her thinking would have been clearer had she not been traumatized, but vulnerable people trust too much. The marriage was a difficult one, lasted 13 years, and produced two wonderful sons. Lorri nearly died at the birth of her first son, refusing a blood transfusion, so she became a "hero" in the congregation. After a mental cruelty divorce, She was a single Mom with two boys, still a JW in good standing.As time went by Lorri met a Christian man at my workplace who was determined, in his quiet way, to spend time with her. She told him she did not date but if he wanted to study the bible to become a JW, she would agree to that. To make a long story short, he began to educate himself on her beliefs and raised many questions. Over time, he got Lorri with this one: "Prove to me from the Bible that Jesus Christ is the Archangel Michael--give me at least one scripture that says that". As she looked this up in the Watchtower literature and went through the "rat trail" of fragments of scriptures to arrive at their doctrine, it sounded weak to her. She took herself off to the elders believing they were "spiritual" and would help her. Instead she was told off for questioning "Jehovah's Organization" and was ordered to immediately stop seeing this Christian man.

    Lorri left that meeting feeling that she had been kicked in the stomach by a mule. She now knew they were not God's organization. She resigned with a phone call to the presiding elder, repented of her JW years and false doctrine, searched the scriptures, and finally prayed to Jesus to forgive her and receive her as His own. It was a very powerful moment of rebirth.God proved Himself to Lorri many times over the next years, through many trials. The date for Armageddon came and went, Oct. 4, 1975 but Lorri and Keith marked it in a special way by getting married on that date! God kept sending people to them who needed help coming free from cult involvement to the extent that they wound up their business affairs and went full time in the ministry in 1979. They have been serving the Lord full time since that date, teaching in churches, colleges, and lots of media venues, in Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Now their DVD's travel worldwide instead of them!In June of 2007, a Canadian government auditor visited Lorri and Keith MacGregor and told them they had to comply with their requirements or be shut down. They did their best to comply, but finally realized that they would have to compromise their Christian Faith to continue as a registered Charity. They could not turn their backs on their calling from God, so they requested revocation of their Charity status. However, they will not quit the ministry, even though they are seniors. Their ministry partners, Richard and Cheryl Schatz are on site to help them, and they will continue on as a corporation MM Outreach. They can be reached at MM Outreach, Box 454, Metaline Falls, WA 99153.

  • Satanus

    No doubt, god will save them.


  • moomanchu

    So, when does the Watchtower lose its charitable status ?

  • DevonMcBride

    While browsing Lori MacGregor's site from the link in Randy's post, I found some things that looked a bit fanatical. Such as her stance against Yoga as an exercise.


    Yoga Exercises and the Christian


    Yoga exercises sound so beneficial. Book shops and libraries are full of yoga books. Doctors, clergy, teachers, and professional people practice it. Yoga claims to work on the muscular, glandular, and physical nervous systems. Wonderful physical and emotional benefits are promised. Indeed, yoga is a complex subject, with many different types, but this tract will be confined to the Christian perspective. Many Christians practicing yoga have expressed indignation when its connections to Hinduism and Eastern Mystical Religions are pointed out. Some Christians even declare that when they are relaxing or practicing yoga postures, they keep their thoughts on Jesus, and are therefore protected. Both Christians and yoga teachers are heard to loudly deny that yoga is any kind of a religion, but rather a beneficial exercise.


    In truth, yoga exercises are NOT just of a physical nature. They cannot be separated from their mystical, Hinduistic purposes. Yoga teaches that there are some 72,000 invisible psychic channels, which constitute another-dimensional body. This "subtle" body is claimed to connect to the real body in seven predominant places, ranging from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The teachings of Hatha (physical) yoga teach that at the base of the spines lies coiled a great serpent power called Kundalini. A former yoga teacher for ten years, and former vice-principal of a large yoga school, now a Christian, comments

    "Every posture is designed to stimulate this power to uncoil itself and rise up through the nerve centers in the spine, which are closely related to the endocrine glands, until it finally reaches the pituitary gland--the thousand petal lotus--and when this occurs after long and disciplined practice, perfect enlightenment is achieved."

    A Christian need not be instructed on the significance of the original serpent, Satan the Devil! (See Revelation 12:9)


    The purpose of the yoga exercise is to align the "subtle" body with the real one, and thereby alter the consciousness of the practitioner in a specified way. The positioning of the body in the yoga postures opens up the practitioner to "vibrations" which teach him the "wisdom" of yoga. As a person proceeds with the physical yoga exercises, it will not be too long before he is asked to practice the "meditation" along with the postures. Often, this begins with just an urging to "empty the mind of all thought", and then progresses into real Hindu meditation. Christian meditation as taught throughout the Bible is a FILLING of the mind with the words and precepts of God, and is the exact opposite of yoga meditation.


    Skeptical Christians should go to their public library and read ANY authoritative book on Hatha Yoga (physical yoga). These various books will make it clear that physical yoga is just the first step to spiritual yoga, and its roots are solidly in Hinduism. One Christian authority on Yoga, Mother Basilea Schlink of the Darmstat Sisters warns in a pamphlet,

    "...every Yoga posture was originally designed to worship the Hindu god Krishna".


    Jesus Christ is presented by yoga as just one of many great masters like Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed. Yoga teaches that there are many ways of reaching God, all equally good. If Christians are seeking peace and relaxation in yoga, then they are seeking the world's way, not the Way of Jesus Christ. John 14:27 puts it well, quoting Jesus Christ,

    "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."

    The true peace from Jesus Christ sustains the Christian through all circumstances, not just while exercising or meditating.


    Christians practicing yoga need to cease immediately, repent of it, and ask God's forgiveness.

  • funkyderek


    The Canadian Government will not allow any critiques of other religions.

    Nonsense. There's no law in Canada preventing someone from criticising another religion. What they really mean is that groups that do criticise other religions are not eligible for special treatment from the government; they have to pay tax like any other non-charity.

    If they want to be a charity, they can give soup to homeless people; if they want to spread nonsense about other religions, they can pay tax like everyone else.

  • kwr

    Exactly, Macgregor is a hater and should be prosecuted for hate crimes.

  • Pubsinger

    I'm a bit lost here . . .

    Is this serious or a wind up!?

    I tend to agree with Funky Derek's comment re soup kitchens and tax . . .

    But aren't the implications for the WT way bigger than McGregor ministries or am I missing something - apart from possibly the fact that they've got $millions to "prove" they are a charity as opposed to Lori McGregor who's probably skint . . .

  • R.Crusoe

    Obviously JWs dont put down other faiths!

    They just say they are the only people on Earth chosen by the life giver!

    And that all others are run by Satan!

  • easy

    Some people don't seem to understand one simple principle. The truth of a matter will show one the right way. If they are doing what is not a Christian thing then they need to stop it. If I tell you a truth and point it out is scripture and you don't listen or want to believe then that is your choice. But, a Christian has to pronounce the truth no matter who it might offend. Jesus offended many in his talks but theat did not stop him from proclaming the truth.

  • Gopher


    Your logic is the reason so many are turned off to religions that say "our way is right, everyone else will die or be punished". It sounds arrogant, and I heard enough of that logic while being a JW.

    Consider this, in your quote a billion people in the world would wholeheartedly agree if you substituted "Muslim" for "Christian" and "Muhammed" for "Jesus". They too are quite certain they have the truth.

    The Canadiens are just trying to keep a level playing field in the marketplace of religious ideas. I sense that offends you, and that you likely think Christianism should be favored in Canada.

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