Saturday night! On the wagon or off?

by wings 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • wings

    I'm off, actually never been on. Harp lager, a Guiness thing. Chineese take out.

  • IP_SEC

    Wings! Been off the wagon for months now. 4 cokes and rums and my 4th coors light cheers

    Matt *binger class*

    Speaking of wings I think Ima eat me some wings tonight lol

  • Hermano

    There was a sale on 12-pack Yuengling beer. I could not resist! And I got some Chinese food, too. Glad to know I'm not the only sinner out there.

  • bonnzo

    what wagon?...(wink, wink)

  • jaguarbass

    I got a 12 pack of Miller in the fridge and I didnt touch it last night and I hope I dont touch it tonight. I am going to try and not drink for a month till the end of March. I have a physical with the doctor and I want to get my weight in place and my sugar and blood pressure correct.

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