Audio Books, any suggestions?

by wings 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • wings

    So it looks like I am going to have about a month to plan my road trip. Today I need to revive my excitement. I have so much to accomplish before I can leave. Since my Dad passed I have inherited a big fancy ipod. I understand I can download audio books, and pod casts, etc... Historically I love listening to talk radio when I am on the road, but you loose stations, and it gets frustrating.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • beksbks

    I have found that the reader can make or break an audio book. Some I have enjoyed

    Bag of Bones-Stephen King

    A Walk in the Woods-Bill Bryson

    Timeline-Michael Chrichton

    Mortal Fear-Greg Iles

    Pretty much all of the Lovejoy books by Jonathan Gash which are read by Christopher Kay. I enjoyed his reading so much, I started listening to anything he had done. I came across one I really liked, called The Lost by Jonathan Aycliffe. Personally, I would also make sure you are getting the unabridged versions. Abridged really chop up a good book.

  • ninja

    hey wings....the ricky gervais podcast with karl pilkington is hilarious.....there are around 24 episodes......

  • ninja

    failing can get the new world translation on mp3 now

  • Uncertain

    Harry Potter is much better told than read. Anything by Doug Adams as well. Al Franken kept me sane with Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them while I was comuting.

    Several of the big truck stop chains have audio books to rent. Pick through the collection when you gas up and drop off at the next stop. I'll bet there will be a wide title selection.

    The last time I did a big drive, I was never out of the range of ESPN Radio. It's a shame I don't care about sports.

    Have you set an approximate date to head out yet?

  • jaguarbass

    Life 101 by Jon Rogers and Peter Mcwilliams.

  • Bobbi

    I listen to audio books all the time, usually in the kitchen since I find food prep and dishes very mind numbing and I spend a lot of time in there.

    Clive Cussler is my dad's favorite and I find his books very interesting to listen to. fiction

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