WATCHTOWER ... Take a look at your literature!!!

by What-A-Coincidence 34 Replies latest jw friends


    It cannot be denied in view of the latest understanding of the Bible that happens according to Daniel 12.4 as I have shown that the Watchtower stands on its own feet firmly as it is linked to the end-time chronology.

    The year 1879 AD is mentioned in the Watchtower literature at the back of "the Babylon the Great Has Fallen " and even today Jehovah's Witnesses may not realize the importance of that date as I am showing ! It is an independent - impartial judgement . The other date is 1884 AD and then 1914 AD.

    The name "Watchtower" was in existence back then and who is upholding this name today ? Jehovah's Witnesses "as they have the Watchtower name on them" ! The governing body is the Watchtower and they have the publication called the Watchtower .

    As we move forward in understanding of the Bible as God Yahweh had set up of course what we understood years ago may become inactual later on but nevertheless the contents of the publications served their purpose in due time.

    The Book of Revelation ( A red cover book known to many I assume ) is the example ! It is all accurate book.

    Many publications by the Watchtower may have texts that are not accurate and yet they presented the understanding of the Bible one of the best . There were no better religious publications by the religious organization than the Watchtower published.

    The chronology the Watchtower came up is amazing to me and you can see by reading my posts on some usenet groups how marvellous it is and I don't belong to the Jehovah Witness organization !

    By the chronology alone they gave they must be considered the true christian religion.

  • brinjen

    That's nice obves, now go tell it to someone who actually gives a damn.


    By all means it should ! Go to any drug store or book store and see how much paper was lost on printing so many different magazines ! On this one point God Yahweh should punish the nations as soon as possible to save our planet earth !

    By the way I am working at a hotel and can see how much trash is there ! God has to do something with this horrible situation !How in the world we still have the trees ?!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome back WAC.

    I heard this story about a sister that tried to throw out such spiritistic books. She put them in the trash and left them at the curb for trash pick-up. However, the next morning... THEY WERE BACK ON THE SHELF !!!! She soaked them in kerosene and tried to burn them... BUT THEY WOULDN'T BURN !!!!! So instead, she personally took them out to the junkyard and saw to it that they were pitched under a huge pile of trash and repeated run over by an earthmover. It really happened to my Bethel roommate's girlfriend's mother's pioneer partner's cousin.

    There was a similar story I heard about some Smurf dolls that actually drove away in the car and brought the literature back from the landfill to the house. But I didn't find that story very believable.

    Be very careful with that trash, buddy.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Allied Waster Services just picked it up!!! 1:02pm Pacific Time

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Thanks guys. I've been hiding low, getting involved in other mind control groups besides jwd...hee hee hee. I will never leave, completely that is :)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    WAC - Please update !!!!! The smurfs didn't bring the spiritistic litera-trash back to your home did they?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Does it not warm your heart? Discovering it's all a lie:realizing you can now own your life That is a metamorphasis. It's late. I'm tired.

  • Gavroche79

    I now regret, however, the ones I gave to the pioneers to place on their trips to places where the "need" was greater. I pity those trees--which are gone forever.

    Don't just pity the trees--pity the people in those areas "where the need is greater" who know how to read as well.

  • oompa

    kinda weird, you can try to....but they won't burn................oompa

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