Does anyone else notice?...

by still_in74 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Poztate

    Thanks Billy... I liked your comments. They are nothing more than a huge corporation floundering for solutions in an increasing complex world.

    With the WWW and U Tube (thanks V ) they are going down the toilet quickly. Try a Google search and you are free from their control.

    A lot more "downsizing" is in the future for them...

  • still_in74
    Anyway, the more I found out about the inner workings, the more I realized that God wasn't driving this organization. In the last few years of Bethel, I found the 'weirdness of things' going way off the top of the charts.

    I need out so bad......... I dont know how much longer I can keep up the charade anymore. The WTS just pisses me off now. I cant believe that of all these years have gone by - my entire life in this cult.

  • bobld

    The slaves ie R&F will agree 100% with the fds and say boy we are really close to the end.The gods of oz have spoken.They worship the men of wt land

  • GoddessRachel

    Still In, Then GET OUT. Do what you have to do to get out. It's not too late. You still have the rest of your life, and you can have your dignity too, not living a lie.

    Maybe we're working! We've put them on the defensive. I know that everything I emailed to my dad last year, he responded with 'is that from the internet?' There's real fear there, placed by the WTS.

    I email my JW family interesting articles about JW's that I find online, and they never respond to them. Not negative things about JW's mind you. Positive things. To test the waters. But they are so scared of what the internet has to say that even if I mention it to them, as in "did you get my email?", they just want to change the subject FAST. It's CRAZY! My mother recently told me when the Memorial is, and when I said "I know," she was shocked that I would know. When she asked how I knew, I told her it's all over the internet. There was this long silence. I asked her if that upset her, and she said she was just surprised. It's so weird. The WTS has complete control of so many JW's minds, and it's so weird and obvious to those of us who are free!

  • WTWizard

    I can remember the articles of the late 1980s and early 1990s. They were crap, but at least they were more substantial crap than what is served now. Most of the focus was avoiding fornication at all costs. Anything that had even a tenuous link to sex was bad. They also worried about demons a lot. Gossip and slander (common nowadays) was a hot topic. Of course, there was the do-more crap and the lines about the crocodile waters and the people renting a helicoptor at a cost of $600 per boasting session to keep people in.

    Now, it is so much more about those damn apostates. They want people to stay away from the Internet--I noticed that change about 1997. They are worried that people will Google the Watchtower Society and find more independent sources. Research is rarely one source--they will hit the first site (the official site) and several more (the apostate ones).

    And it is more about force now. Back then, they were scaring people that they were going to die if they left. Now, if anyone tries to leave, they will hound and harass them into staying. Most often, they will use the network of "friends(??)" to keep them in. They try to get people into a total network where their friends, job, and living quarters are all contingent on staying in. And they are threatening with hounding calls for people that so much as miss even one boasting session or that attempt to have independent Bible studies or use independent sources to verify accuracy of the Bible, the NWT, or Watchtower doctrine. As to the effectiveness, I still find plenty of witlesses arguing on MySpace on doctrine (and they are not supposed to have MySpace accounts at all).

    I wonder when it is going to come down to methodical recapture of anyone that is inactive. They will check publisher records, and anyone that hasn't been to a boasting session will be physically dragged (and maybe even hosted, like some of the more dangerous cults have been known to do just before handing out the Kool-Aid). If anyone goes to a boasting session to avoid this, they will be grabbed at that time. There will be no more disassociations--send a disassociation letter, and they will physically snag you. At the rate they are going now, that could be the only way they can keep their membership in 7 figures--and it could well end the way of Jonestown or Waco.

  • still_in74
    Still In, Then GET OUT. Do what you have to do to get out. It's not too late. You still have the rest of your life, and you can have your dignity too, not living a lie.

    Thanks Rachel,
    I just wish it was that easy..........

  • MOG


    Its not easy, but we are all in this together. We have all thought like you - been like you..Trust me -the only regret you will have is WHY DIDNT I DO THIS EARLIER..

    Pray to Jehovah on this..and I will for you..

  • GoddessRachel
    Thanks Rachel,
    I just wish it was that easy..........

    You are right, it's not easy. Like MOG said, we have been where you are. From the other side, I can say, it's a hard road, but the best one I've taken. I don't regret leaving. I hate how things are with my family, but if you play your cards right you can have some semblance of a relationship with them. There are those who have been out longer than me who say it's not worth the charade to have a fake relationship with your JW family, but each person has to decide and define this for himself. With some of my JW friends and family members, a clean break has been the best thing. But it's not easy. It hurts like hell. But it's rewarding too.

    It helps to talk about yoru situation - there are a lot of smart people here with similar experiences and great ideas. You might be surprised with what we can come up with.

    Good luck and Best Thoughts to You!

    We are here for you.



  • still_in74

    thanks all for your comments,

    Rachel - I got your PM's, MOG - thanks for your comments. I agree that I may one day regret not coming clean sooner. That hurts when I really think about it..... but its sadly the truth.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Insular is one word that comes to mind. It's the Big Bad World against the JW's. Everything outside the org = bad, inside = good.

    Still in - this double life is killing you - it's going to be hard for you to make the break, I understand that, been through it, but living like this is not healthy.


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