A Message to Jehovah's Witnesses (in a new media format)

by DT 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DT


    It's just a basic slideshow presentation, but I think it might be the first slideshow on Slideshare about Jehovah's Witnesses. I got the idea from the recent threads about the do not call list. I thought it might be helpful to try to inform the public that they can get on it. I think it might be one piece of JW trivia that can really capture the public's interest. I welcome your comments and will probably put up more slideshows in the future.

  • jwfacts

    That is fantastic. Really well written, with very important information, and done in a respectful manner. I would like to see it appearing in many other places. Maybe V could edit it for youtube as well.

  • jacethespace

    Thats a really great idea.

  • carla
  • Superslave

    Im going to print it up and put it in a card the next time witnesses call. I'm also gonna keep a copy in my bag incase I get stopped in the street. I think every damn congregation in the world should recieve a copy including The ivory towers. A mass campain of witnessing!!!

  • DT

    Thank you for the comments. I would like to see it made into a video or see a video with a similar message. I don't know how to make videos, so I would be happy if someone else wanted to do that. I checked Slideshare and it's already at number three for the most viewed slideshows of the day. I like the way you can have clickable links on slideshows. I'll try to get more up on that site before the JW's find it.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Excellent! Well done!


  • caliber

    Very well done, clear, concise,' respectful truth ! If theres one thing we all learned from the WT, it's how to advertise ,advertise

    advertise ! Constant messages will eventually break through . Thankyou for your continued effort .!


  • MacHislopp

    Hello DT,

    Well done. Well written, polite, and without a smoky screen...firmly but

    explicative. It is a file in my archives, for future use and I do hope,

    many times.

    Thanks again,

    J.C. MacHislopp

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