Secret Agenda

by ItsJustMe 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustMe

    More than likely this will sound like a naive question to some of you, but what is your theory as to the WBTS' secret agenda? I don't see any of them living it far as I know all the Governing Body lives at Bethel year round, eating in the cafeteria with everyone else.

    What would their reason be to collect & hoard money, or belong to the UN?

  • mommy

    I honestly think that it started off as a snowball. Now it is an avalanche, and not one person knows how to stop it.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • logical

    There are other people behind the scenes in the Tower. The GB are now puppets, they sold their souls to the devil and are doing his dirty work. What do you think all the restructuring has been about?

  • Mindchild

    What??? You don't believe that they are following some sinister and evil plot to take over the world???

    As much as I dislike what the Borg has done to me and others, I don't see them following any grand conspiracy or out to make huge bucks. These people believe in what they are doing. The sad part is that they are victims of both groupthink and mind viruses. In their search for truth, over a century ago, they followed an emergent path that made them more vulnearble to thinking that they were being guided and directed by God. Even though the evidence kept slapping them in the face, they ignored it and kept on doing the same thing more urgently. Eventually they created a conceptual reality so strong that everything on the outside became evil and dangerous, which allowed them to become more in denial of the real world.

    They are advanced victims of a mental disease that causes mental blindness. I'm reminded of Einstein's famous quote: "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."


    All great deeds and all great thoughts have ridiculous beginnings--Albert Camus

  • roybatty

    Power. You won't get a chance to ask a GB member, but ask an elder or ex-elder. Having had a taste of it, it can be very intoxicating. I can only imagine what it must feel like to be a GB member, someone who most JWs view as Christ on earth. Someone who's every word view as directly from God. Someone's who's viewpoint is equal to the Bible.

  • one

    what GB means?

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    They are revered the world over by millions of adherents. People hang on their every word. Believe it or not, they are living it up. They have posh rooms and offices, assistants, maid service, food service, medical benefits, etc. They travel the world. And all of this is on somebody else's dime. I call that luxury.

    I think it was Chitty who referred to it as paradise on earth or something to that effect. (Of course, he may have been referring to his long-time roommate...)

    Ask yourself, what would these men be doing if they weren't running the WTS. Or ask Ray Franz. They'd be mowing lawns and washing windows. Hmmm, running a billion dollar corporation and being viewed on equal terms with God sounds much better than window washing and lawn cutting. And all I have to do is tell a few lies?????!!!!


  • Prisca

    GB = Governing Body


    I can`t believe the 3 stooges(GB)are running an organization that made 951 billion dollars last year alone.My gut feeling is there is some one or group above them pulling the strings.But who?As this whole UN thing unravels we may find out.In the mean time keep the pressure on,there is already a large crack in the great tower,with no way to fix it!...>>one,GB means governing body...OUTLAW

  • metatron

    Read my post on the Taleban and C.O.'s.

    It's the same deal - where are they going to go now?
    How can they be honest knowing they will be booted out
    by opposing the dishonesty within the Watchtower?

    Do you really think any one of them is going to honestly
    say "we're sorry , we were wrong"?

    More than that, it's about power and control.
    Don't you think these guys got off on signing autographs
    in Cuba?

    Don't you think C. Barber gets off on waving his cane on stage
    at assemblies to stir up applause?



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