Button Pushers What to do?

by Sparkplug 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Sorry I didn't come back to you Decki - I was heading out to work earlier. I hope the house closure goes smoothly and you can celebrate abundantly!

    Speaking of button pushers who push harder and then chuck a fit - yeah, that really sux. Once or twice I've still come close to hauling customers across my shop counter by the throat and giving them a serious piece of my mind...

    ...but I'm a Christian and we Christians aren't supposed to do that sort of thing - life is supposed to run like a dream, everybody happy and forgiving and understanding of the faults of others, patient, offer the other cheek blah, blah, blah...

    What a load of b£%%*^ks!!

    Those who don't know when to stop, in a way I feel sad for them because they're missing out on so much in life but don't realise it, they won't until they are faced with themselves as we have been. In the long run karma's a bitch, God might be an even bigger one in our eyes - best not to mess with either lol!

  • Crumpet

    Thanks peeps.

    I love you Crumples!

    PS. Are you moving here?

    no, alas i'm not. wish i could but i am moving closer to america - wales How did everything go/?

  • sweetface2233

    The more you ignore the pigsh*t...the harder they push...Kind of like a kid who can't get positive attention,

    so they throw a fit...just to get attention.

    I don't really know your reason for starting this thread or if it has to do w/ something you've read here, but I have had the "priviledge" of getting to know a few posters who are, apparently, well liked on this board. However, knowing them in real life, I can say, they have completely fooled this entire board and it saddens me that no one can see it. I see threads posted all the time where there is a shitload of ass kissing and ego stroking going on. I just want to hit the thread and tell everyone to wake the fuck up! But, knowing the posters in question, I know that my comments will not be taken kindly and so I sit back, siliently, and wait for the shit to unravel.

    Edited to add: Dex, honey, you said some very kind words to get me back on here. I wanted post 1200 to be my last, but due to your words, I gave you post 1201 and came back. I am giving you my 1700th and final, at least for a while, post. I have not been well emotionally for a good 2 months now and my health is being affected. Due to the reasons for my comment above, my healing has become hindered and I need to take the time to concentrate on myself. I'll miss a lot, but can use the break from a few...Kisses!

  • GoddessRachel

    Decki, you are one of the best posters on here. Just wanted to say that! Hope your house closing went without a hitch in the get-along. I also hope you are able to 1) ignore the button pushers and/or 2) push back.


  • SPAZnik

    Take responsibility for the button.

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