Did they make you cry?

by sacolton 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SACOLTON- They didn't make me cry - they just always made me mad ! But I knew of a situation , saw it happen where this 16 year old boy lacking confidence was doing his first Bible reading in the ministry school. He was so nervous he started crying while standing up on the platform - it seemed like he stood there for a minute or two trying to get his composure - I felt like kicking the a$$ of the school overseer to go up on stage to bail him out . After what seemed like 3 minutes, finally the boys dad got up there and helped him finish his Bible reading , and at the end everybody clapped vigorously. But I just sat there shaking my head at the cruelty that had happened letting that boy cry on stage for 2 minutes trying to get it together. Bastard elders

  • looloo

    yes i cried when i was told i would have been stoned to death had i lived two thousand years ago (i had an affair )

  • sacolton
    I cried when I found out it was a cult and everything I believed was a lie.

    Yes, me too. It was a very long hard cry for me too.

    flipper: Only praise to the father for getting on stage to help his son. Otherwise, the elders would have just watched this boy slowly fall apart.

    I can't imagine the mental torture this boy must have gone through. Was it to "build character" to leave him up there crying? It was cruelity!

  • myababes

    I cried at my mums funeral last year (Stayed faithful to it for 60 years) when 2 elders cornered me at her funeral and started saying things like how could I have let my mum die without giving her a glimmer of hope that we would return to the meetings and that did I realise how sad she would be when she woke up in the new system and only my sis and brother would be there to greet her. They said I would be resonsible for her never seeing her great grandaughter again (my daughter no longer goes along neither now) and how could I live with myself for not making an effort.

    I was totally broken hearted when I got home. I don't beleive all that bull about ressurecton etc but it still hurt.

  • undercover

    As far as judicial committe meetings went, tears, be they real or crocodile, was always a sign of repentance.

    I knew a couple of people who knew the drill so well they gave recommendations to anyone appearing before a JC; 1 - if they've got the goods on you, don't deny, don't play dumb. Go ahead and confess and act like you wanted to get it out in the open. 2 - after the confession the elders usually ask what was the first thing you did when you realized the mistake or sin. The answer should always be, "I went home and prayed to Jehovah asking forgiveness". If they press for more, let them know your prayers were tear filled and that you had a good crying jag all night long. 3 - then start crying and remain inconsoluble throughout the meeting.

    I knew a few people who got off using that prescribed method but the typical JW was petrified of ever having to attend a JC meeting.

    I have seen elders reduce people to tears through their mercilessness as they interrogated them over the trivialiest of matters.

    I saw an elder give a sister down the road for not bowing her head during a prayer. Poor lady was reduced to a quivering mass of nerves by the time he was through with her. I never did understand how he knew she didn't bow her head to begin with, if he his head was bowed...

    I heard about a brother who admitted adultery to the elders. His marriage was over, his kids hurt, angry and confused, and the brother was heading into depression. He tearfully admitted his sins to the JC elders who proceeded to interrogate him and hound him to repeat the details over and over until he was reduced to babbling like a baby, unable to speak. I know of this because an elder on the committee told me about it. He seemed proud of how they exercised justice over this person who brought reproach to the organization. At the time, I wondered why one has to basically torture someone who has already confessed, but I understand better now than ever. A lot of elders are on power trips, others are just so fundamental in their dogmatic beliefs they feel they have to purge anyone from the congregation who even hints at being a troublemaker.

  • Hortensia

    Well, it helps them lose members, doesn't it. These are some heartless people. I am so sorry this has happened to all of you. I hope if any elder comes near you that you tell him to take a long walk on a short pier. I wanted to say to tell him to f*** himself with something sharp and painful, but I'm trying to clean up my language.

  • LouBelle

    At my JC meeting - but only when I told them that they were wrong and that instead of turning my back on god I was turning my back on a man made organisation that showed no love and it I was very very sad for them.

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