Goddam it

by sass_my_frass 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Just talked to a mate, he was disfellowshipped a few years before me, came to my wedding after I was. He's a bit of a party animal but a good kid really. He's back in his hometown and going to meetings, I think he'll try to get reinstated, the poor suck. I think his mum and his sister are the primary reasons, but he wouldn't admit it. I don't think he ever found the real life after getting kicked out (and his disfellowshipping story has to be in the top ten ridiculous JCs), he just had a lot of fun. He's probably made life somewhat shallow and misses a lot of JW guys who used to be his 'friends'.

    I just had no idea what to say to him, and still don't.

  • Hope4Others

    I'm sorry your feeling a little shocked by this but many jw's don't seem to find a place when they leave. Unless they can find peace within and a place in life the pressure of family can be crucial to them.

    He may go back and then fade only time will tell. Did you see that twilght zone video posted by (free2beme) it says alot, its quite interesting.


  • deeskis

    Hi Sass

    I hope he was ok towards you?

    Only time will tell whether he can handle the BS again. I guess you just have to show him "unconditional love" now, and acceptance of what he wants to do.

    Best wishes


  • penny2

    I suspect he believes "it's the truth" and he doesn't want to pass up the chance of everlasting life.


    Sorry to hear your friend got sucked back in.

    That tells me just how deep the "programming" goes. People are really and truly brainwashed when they are jw. And the religion sets you up to fail, if you leave. The fear and control go very deep. Unless a person really makes a concerted effort to change their core beliefs, they run the risk of falling back into the religion. The only way to successfully leave is to "de-program and re-program" yourself with healthy "replacement" beliefs.

    Release all the jw beliefs and replace them with some healthy beliefs.

    Sounds like your friend still believes that stuff at his core --- plus the shunning is no fun. I know, because my mom "slipped" back in because she did not like the shunning.



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