Of Pedophelia and False Positives

by inkling 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • 5go
    if anything under-reported.

    I totally agree.


    5go..So you had the "Balls" to answer me back..LOL!!.....What are you afraid of?.....There are people who handle "Child Molestation Case`s",on a daily basis..Don`t you want to talk with them??If a child has a complaint about sexual assault??!!..If not,Why???!!!.....Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW


    Amber Rose..What a Lot of Horse Sh*t!......Your guilty or your not!..You will help the Authorities,or you will Not........There is no Wiggle Room on this Subject!!..............Inkling..Shut up!..And Learn!!............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • looloo

    i believe that i have read in the jws own literature that most allegations of child abuse are likely to be true as when a child lies about abuse it is usually to denie that it has happened when it actually has happened but the child is scared of the consequences of revealing the abuse , so may take back an accusation after making it . fear of the consequences kept my child quiet for 4 years , i assured her we would get justice , when two more victims came forward that were adults in late 20s by now it seemed a certainty , but a deal was done in court and he got away with my child and some of other two victims charges , the police do believe her and so did prosecution , but we got no justice and my child has been labeled the liar by some in the cong , which is just as hard to live with as the abuse . (is it any wonder that two thirds of children that have been abused never tell or do not tell till adults themselves ,according to nspcc figures ) my child wishes she had kept quiet forever after everything that has happened , and had that happened he would have carried on abusing till he died , but thanks to her hes in prison for other victims that would never have revealed thier abuse if it was not for her .

  • 5go
    What are you afraid of?.

    Fascism stuff like this is used to bring fascism because people like you will give all your freedoms to get one set of bad guys. Fascist know this and exploit it well.

    Notice it has already happened where a mother with naked pictures of her child has been charged with a sex crime. A teenager who mooned a bus full of children is now a sex offender. Where does it stop it. Next you will start to see this applied to other crimes because it works so well on sex offenders.

  • MMae

    I am always very sad to hear of cases where persons are falsely accused, many times suffering tremendously as a result. I also feel strongly that sorting out accusations is best left to authorities trained to do so.

    In the meantime, for every molestation that is reported, there are SO MANY MORE that are not:

    Elsewhere on that website the point is made that sexual molestation is if anything under-reported.

    In the case mentioned above, 25 victims were eventually discovered in one congregation. How many of those reported the abuse? One? Two? Any?

  • stillconcerned

    Statitically, sexual abuse of children is far under-reported. Conservative studies say 66% of abuse survivors do not report til adulthood, if ever.

    I'm not saying false allegations NEVER occur, but false allegations are uncommon. Far MORE common are situations where a child, whose world has been turned upside down, recants, not because it didn't happen, but because he/she is pressured by family members, or is trying to restore any sort of 'normalcy' to the situation.

    As an attorney handling these sorts of cases (and nothing else), I find even the extent or frequency of the molest is minimized by victims during criminal prosecutions, due to shame, embarrassment, fear etc.

    In the cases we've handled in a Jehovah's Witness context, there were multiple reports in prior congregations of molestation BY THE SAME PERP, which were minimized or un-reported.

    kimberlee d norris

    attorney at law

    [email protected]

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