Cut and Run

by yumbby 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    My ex-husband, 25 years ago, always said he was going to turn right, instead of left, on the way home. He was just mean.

    I myself recently thought the same thing. I stayed, and everything has pretty well worked out. Stick in there, and change everything you want to and can.

  • avishai

    I've felt that way. I think we need an exjw halfway house. The "Jehovah's witness protection" program as it were

  • yumbby

    Avishi - That would be so cool, a place we could pick out everything new about ourselves

    Cog -Thanks again, I'm a "fixer" so I will look into those books and try to learn something new.

    Thanks for all the responses I will really listen and consider the advice.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    Yeah, I'm a fixer too. I have come to understand that some things can't be fixed and for those things "acceptance" and "forgiveness" is the answer.

    Definition of "forgiveness": giving up all hope for a better past.


  • StAnn

    Yumbby, I did do that. Packed my clothes, my books, and my rocking chair, got in my car, pointed it south and just drove. I stayed gone for six years. And yes, I even changed my name. But my JW demons haunted me. It was a great experience in that I had to learn to stand on my own two feet because I knew no one and had no one to lean on. However, what finally made a real difference in my life was getting into psychotherapy. Five years of it. I couldn't make the necessary changes in my life until I understood why I did what I did. Then I became a christian. A geographical cure isn't really a cure at all because you take your thoughts and memories with you. Now, several years post-therapy, I feel I could move anywhere and be perfectly content because I've faced and wrestled down my demons. Now moving away and starting over would be an adventure, not an escape. I highly recommend both psychotherapy and real christianity.

  • Hortensia

    yeah, it's how I feel now. However, I'll have to stay here and sort out my life. But I'd love to just leave and go live near friends or my family and get a job, even change my name. Fantasy land.

  • mkr32208


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When I was 17 I put my suitcase out of my window, had breakfast, picked up my suitcase and dissappeared.

  • willdabeerman

    Havng been one of those types in the past, I can tell you it is not all it is cracked up to be. You can only outrun your problems for so long. They have a way of catching back up with you.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Just a correction to cognizant dissident's book recommendation: "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn (not 'Everywhere').

    Thanks for posting about them - will probably buy those.

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