Rape is weapon in Kenya

by Rabbit 15 Replies latest social current

  • 5go

    Rape has always been a weapon it aids in assimilation of the invaded.

  • Rabbit
    SnowbirdActually, this account simply shows how the nations of Moab and Ammon came to be. The Messiah didn't come thru either of those nations.

    I stand corrected. It's been a while since I've studied. I know Jehovah was still proud of his 'faithful servant' and blessed him, despite his incest. Yeck!

    ForscherRemember that Lot's daughters had to get him blind drunk to have sex with him. That ought to tell you where Lot really stood on the issue of incest.

    Sorry...I will never believe in those misogynistic days that Lot's daughters could have cooked up such a scheme. Why would they ? And remember, that whole account was written by a man! Like I said before...what a perfect way to cover over a crime -- say a 'god' told you to do it. Or, god 'arranged' it.

    Call it what it is: Child abuse, incest. These women probably wanted husbands, but do you really think they wanted their drunk daddy's penis inside them???

    Sounds ugly when it's put that way, doesn't it? Only, because it is. The Bible writers (all men) covered up or shined a pretty light on a lot of ugly stuff. Sh*t is still sh*t.

  • diamondblue1974
    Remember that Lot's daughters had to get him blind drunk to have sex with him. That ought to tell you where Lot really stood on the issue of incest.

    He couldnt have been that drunk though could he? Otherwise he wouldnt have been able to stand to attention for that long,

    Sick how the so called God of the hebrews condoned this activity really.


  • Forscher

    Diamond, sigh,

    A fellow I knew years ago got drunk at a party and ended up bedding a drop-dead-gorgeous woman. And he couldn't remember doing it! She came by where he worked and assured him that he had indeed had sex with her and that it was good enough that she wanted to do it again right after he got off of work. And that despite his being that drunk. So, yeah, I imagine Lot was able to get it up and do the deed.


  • Rabbit

    So, yeah, I imagine Lot was able to get it up and do the deed.


    Ahhh...so you are an apologist ? Which way was it ? The daughters just couldn't keep their hands off their father or Lot raped his own children ? Either way, god gave his to the deeds. What kind of All-Powerful, god of Love is that ?

  • Forscher

    I've never denied being a Christian apologist Rabbit, there are just some things I am no longer so dogmatic about as I was while in the bOrg.

    Since Lot's daughters initiated the encounters and obviously consented to the acts, it can't be called rape. The close degree of relationship apparently didn't have the same consequences which often occur in offspring of such relationships, as evidenced by Lot's uncle Abraham being married to his own half-sister. So the only concern would be the moral one. Read the story and you will find that no comment is made therein as to whether God really approved or not. It is just reported as having happened.


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