Need advice Memorial

by spoopy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I can understand you having family back makes you wonder about the Memorial attending.
    My opinion since you asked. Is go to the meeting, it has NOTHING to do with the one Christ talked about...Theirs is in rememberance of Micheal the Ark angel. NOT JESUS!!! I can imagine you will feel a bit like Joseph when his brother that had sold him out years before now came begging for food..
    Then after you have gone & been loved bombed "fade"
    They will be watching you. This is disgusting in a FREE COUNTRY !! where we have to be deceitful. But God loved Joseph so he will know why your doing it....O.K. thats my 2 cents ..

  • watson
    You could even partake this year,,now that 'they' re-opened the door of heavenly hope and they admit it wasn't closed after all in 1935. That would 'really' keep them guessing about you!

    Gayle beat me to it. Go! You'll make your family happy, give them hope. You'll get a kick out of the plastic smiles by the greeting elders, you'll see the latest "easter" styles worn by the sisters, the hussle and bustle of the eager Ministerial Servants "taking the lead." There's a lot to be said for going! Watson

  • garybuss

    Need advice Memorial

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