Homeopath= Urine therapy cures many illnesses drink yours twice a day!!!

by Witness 007 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FreedomFrog
    Once purified by Liver and Kidneys there are NO toxins in Urine as long as you let it stream for afew seconds, stop believing in Myths

    You need to realize that yes, there are vitamins/minerals in urine...but what your are failing to understand is that those vitamins/minerals are excess...so this excess is not helping the body but could damage it as well.

    If stranded...yeah, I'll drink pee if that is the last resort...but I won't volenteer it "just in case".

  • FreedomFrog
    NO toxins in Urine as long as you let it stream for afew seconds

    this in itself is not true...the body gets rid of extra vitamins...even toxic vitamins you have in your body through your urine.

  • frankiespeakin

    Sugjesting reading:

    "Yellow River" by I. P. Daily

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Urine is natures "Gator aid" and if I was stuck on a life boat with you guys guess who would be the last man standing...ME! Because I would drink my Urine, your Urine, and blood from your dead bodies just to stay alive!!! Thanks for dying guys I NEED THE NUTRIENTS! SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST AND SMARTEST.

    Hmm, you obiviously skipped my post above explaining the effects of dehyradtion on the body. So, I'll explain once more for the benefit of those of you who are slow. People who are dehydrated STOP PEEING! You may survive a day or two longer because you are fitter and you drink your pee before it stops, but being smart ain't going to help ya!

    {Once purified by Liver and Kidneys there are NO toxins in Urine as long as you let it stream for afew seconds, stop believing in Myths}

    What myth would you have us all stop believeing in? The myth of bladder infections? The myth of kidney infections? Where do you think the bacteria from the kidney and bladder infections end up? Where do you think they test for it? In THE URINE! You stop believing in MYTHS! Some people just deserve to drink PEE, don't they?

    Before idiot Doctors started handing out Hard drugs to people {Heath Ledger!!} made by companies that make millions of dollars$$$$ people used home remedies most of which worked very well...this art has since been lost...but worth looking into if you sick. Look at the cure for Cancers today. 1940's to 2008 Cut it out...dose up on radiation and poison {Chemo} which harms your body and immune system. And hope for the best. I think all ancient forms of knowledge should be examined and given a chance...they weren't all dumb hicks. My mum puts onions on open wounds which I think is dumb yet next morning it looks alot better???? Does not smell better!

    Before doctors starting handing out hard drugs to people (look at all the people helped!) people used home remedies which sometimes worked and most times didn't. Ancient forms of knowledge have been examined and given a chance. Compare the life expectancy today to that of the turn of the century before the advent of modern medicine. Ignorant people slam Western medicine and pharmaceutical companies, yet the highest life expectancies in the world are without exception in modern countries that practice modern, pharmaceutical based, medicine! There is just no denying that, mom's onion cure not withstanding! Cog

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "Cognizant disatent" yeah.....people live longer but the drugs are not part of it...I took anti-cholesrol drugs until my Doc told me it can damage your liver which was hurting awhiile....Assholes!!!!!! Until I complained he had no idea!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Well, how would he have any idea your liver hurt until you complained about it? All drugs can damage the liver or kidneys. I am taking drugs that can also and have to have liver and kidney tests every 6 months. So far so good. Just because they can damage does not mean they always do. The drugs are prescribed because the cholesterol can damage your blood vessels and that is deemed to be a higher risk than liver damage. It is a numbers gain. You weigh the risk versus the benefit and take your best shot. If you would rather go with the risk of high cholesterol that is your perogative. That doesn't make your doctor negligent or an asshole. Remember, he didn't give you high cholesterol. He was just offering the best treatment available at the time. I doubt he ever guaranteed you it was risk free. The risks of medications are printed on every fact sheet with every prescription filled for all to see. It is hardly a big conspiracy.


  • oldflame

    Witness 007,

    What do you think lets give it a go!!!

    Well I'll tell you what, you drink it and tell us how it went down or out. I suppose nothing was said about hepatitus etc.

  • Gregor

    AA meeting -" My names is Fred Schwartz and I am a piss drinker. My last drink was 2 years, 3 months and 4 days ago"

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