FRAUDULENT door to door premise from the "Catholic" Governing Body

by Terry 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry
    As for the "unqualified" R&F doing the preaching, the dubs will have plenty of retorts for that one I'm afraid. Jesus followers were "unlettered and ordinary" is the first one that springs to mind.

    Ahh, but they were of the HEAVENLY CLASS!! They were spirit-anointed.

    The other sheep---as interpreted by the Watchtower--are not simply Gentiles (as mainstream Christianity denotes) but---second class dogs who nibble the crumbs from the big daddy Anointed table scraps.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Your right Terry, I guess its all about who is standing on top of the Watchtower looking down and who's down below looking up .

    Shouldn't the GB members really be called Executive Officers of this Corporation...........uummmm

    Men with power and their devious ways, its a human folly is it not.

  • Caljuher

    I've heard it mentioned by critics of the Watchtower that it's organization acts like a "poor cousin" of Catholicism. Whatever one's opinion of the Catholic Church is, the Watchtower can only dream of having as much organization, structure, or power.

    That is why I think they are as oppressive as they are...they don't really have the power, kind of like those who are smart don't need to advertise it, and those who aren't but want others to believe they are constantly talk, trying to convince others they are. If you can't really hold your own Spanish Inquisition, you can at least smash others you don't like as much as you can.

  • Terry
    I've heard it mentioned by critics of the Watchtower that it's organization acts like a "poor cousin" of Catholicism. Whatever one's opinion of the Catholic Church is, the Watchtower can only dream of having as much organization, structure, or power.

    The parallels are outstanding between Catholicism and JWdom.

    Instead of Excommunication, there is disfellowshipping.

    There is an elite priestly caste (Anointed) and a laity (other sheep).

    The pronouncements on Faith and Morals comes from the top down.

    The Communion is the Lord's Evening Meal. The JW's peculiar restrictions on who can partake are chillingly exclusionary, however.

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