Obama, "We Are No Longer A Christian Nation,"

by SixofNine 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoverOfTruth
    If anyone here is as old as I am and remembers the 1960 Presedential campaign between Nixon and JFK.......Nixon's major cliche was "EXPERIENCE COUNTS". JFK was the newbie and he still won. So please don't sell Obama short.

    I didn't know Nixon used this phrase. Of course as as an ex-JW, I'm still catching up on politics. We don't need Experienced Politicians; we need someone with Fresh Ideas and the Belief it can be Different.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I don't think Hillary would even have a Chance if she weren't married to Bill.

  • beksbks

    I've been watching Hillary for years now. I even read her book. If you actually listen, she has great things to say. Unfortunately, she is a woman, and most of us can't quite accept a strong opinionated kick ass woman. I don't know if anyone remembers Shirley Chisolm, but as I remember her, and I was very young, she was pretty terrific. Very strong. She didn't get far though, that was early '70's I believe.

  • free2beme

    I am glad we are not some overly conservative push my beliefs on your Christian nation!!!! I am so glad Romney is gone.

  • DanTheMan
    and a nation of non-believers."

    That's awesome that he said that...I've had about all I can take of the pandering to People of Faithâ„¢.

    Last year, Andrew Sullivan wrote that "Obama would mean the rebranding of America, after a disastrous eight years" and I've been chewing on that one ever since. I think it's a great argument.

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