Once You Had Doubts, How Long Before You Got On The Internet?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • trudy

    DAWG SAID:____________Oh. I forgot... I don't thik the internet as invented yet when I had these guys pegged. _______________________DAWG___________________funny! What first opened your eyes? curious.

  • trudy

    I am a newbie here......ALL MY PARAGRAPHS ARE RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER> HOW DO I SPACE THEM IN THIS FORUM? I have entered until Each paragraph was four spaces down, but after viewing my post, they are butted right next to each other. HOW DO I SPACE THEM? I never have this problem on other message boards. sigh.

  • BluesBrother

    I had already decided that it just could not be true, and had my "road to Damascus " experience.. I still attended some, and they put out a Kingdom Ministry insert about all the terrible wonderful stuff you find in apostate land on the net..Whoa ! thought, I have got to see some of that... We did not have a net connection at home, I had never used the net. The local library offered lessons so I went down ..learned how to log on and search the net. I found Freeminds, which blew my mind .

    There was a link to this site. I have been here ever since.Thank you Randy Watters and Simon

  • minimus

    And the Witnesses suggest that Satan invented the internet, not Al Gore.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Arrggghh! I can't use the quote facility. Someone else said that "apostate material" was not what they expected, this was also my experience. I had always seen "apostates" characterized as either bitter individuals who had been ejected from the congregation for wrong doing or people who wanted to draw their own following. I never expected to find stuff like the UN debacle, or an ex member of the governing body!

  • magoo
    And the Witnesses suggest that Satan invented the internet, not Al Gore.

    .......al gore is satan ?.....is this new light ?


  • hillbilly

    Next day.... I didnt own a 'puter and went to the library. Of course, I had 'nagging' level doubts for a while...someone sent me a letter and I went to check stuff out ASAP


  • Swan

    For me it was doubts first; Internet later. In fact, I didn't look up anything about JWs on the internet untill after I my DA.


  • BabaYaga

    20 years.

    No joke! Mine was a "pre-Google" exit... I made excuses for them for years. Didn't even go looking for dirt on them either... came to this site completely and utterly by accident, while searching for info on something else entirely.

  • JeffT

    I had doubts long before Al Gore invented the internet. Post 1975, it sort of gnawed away at me. In the spring of 1988 my wife and I decided we needed to do some research on our own so I trudged to the library (through the snow, uphill both ways) and began looking in books. We quit going to meetings shortly thereafter, our last assembly that summer and the DA letter went out on March 18, 1989. I didn't get on line until about '96 or '97.

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