USA - Who to vote for President = Woman {Hilary} or Blackman {Obama} -cool!

by Witness 007 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AlyMC

    my thoughts exactly... Look at the difference between what Bush Jr and Bill Clinton in terms of our economy.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Condolizzzzza? Oh my god. The woman is part of the evil behind the Bush administration. People are SICK of the Bush admin.

    I'll vote for whatever Democratic candidate wins the nom. We need the republican party the hell out of the white house. Whenever they are in for very long, our country goes into a recession and even depression.

  • SixofNine

    "Not only that, but she is probably the most qualified to be President."

    LOL, by virtue of?

  • Hope4Others

    Personally, I think it would be interesting to see the history books talk about the first Husband and Wife Presidents ever.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I would vote for Hillary for two reasons.

    1) I believe that Hillary Clinton would not hesitate to pull the trigger.

    2) As President, Hillary Clinton will mainstream the term "f _ cki _ g c _ _t" and that will be a great day in America.

    God Bless and on Tuesday remember to vote early and often.

  • FlyingHighNow
    As President, Hillary Clinton will mainstream the term "f _ cki _ g c _ _t" and that will be a great day in America.

    I instantly lose respect for a man who uses this term. It's something I rarely hear a woman say. Why on earth would this great for America? Hillary as president is one thing, but that term is another.

  • Mary

    If I were an American, I'd probably vote for Hillary. Although Obama looks good too.

    I think the real tragedy is that neither Hillary nor Obama ran 4 years ago. Because if they had, there's no way in hell that Dubya would still be in office.

  • avishai

    Geez, who cares if she's shrill, or you don't like her "personality?" We voted for "personality" the last two times, (gore and kerry are boring and wooden, but I daresay would've been better prez's, by how much god only knows) and look where that got us.

  • AlyMC

    Wishing I had a clapping emoticon for Avishai.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll
    I'll vote for whatever Democratic candidate wins.

    I agree with this, I vote for Hilary. I feel she will be good for are economy.

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