Are you part of a progressive Hall?

by Not Feeling It 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    With the proliferation of the vague concept (to most JWs, not me!) of a conscience matter, do you think there are more liberal (I don't mean politically) JWs?

    Have you come across many or any Halls where the BOE or the membership are content to really let the conscience decide the small stuff rather than the iron-fisted approach?

    I'm wondering how long (if at all) it will take things to change with revisions to birthdays, alternative service, blood, and such.

    By the way, I am highly parenthetical (so sue me )

  • dawg

    What does that word mean? Parenthical?

  • B_Deserter

    I've heard stories about California halls being that way. Like this one sister would openly watch soap operas and it was no big deal down there.

  • monophonic

    speaking from california, every hall i was in, which was a total of about seven, each had their own agendas.

    that's when i realized if it's a flip of the coin if you're going to be abused or shown respect, it can't be the truth.

    one hall was very loving, were very sympathetic towards illness, depression and respected me even though i had pretty much faded out by the time we came to the hall. i have nothing but kind words to say about them, and when they offered a shepharding call and i turned them down, they didn't ask again or try to investigate me which would've happened in most of the other halls.

    out of the seven congregations i went too, i would have to say they were so different in their strictness, beliefs, that it felt like i was part of three different religions that branched off from the jws.

    inner city halls tended to be better in the fact that they actually have to deal with kids getting into gangs and real city problems before straining out the gnat that someone went to a concert that might not be christian.

    my first resolve to completely leave was b/c of the huge inconsistencies w/ congregations, the society urging you to stay in the congregation territory you attend, and watching some friends stay under the abusive janitor's direction of washing up to their elbows, while others didn't have constant running commentary every time you farted.

    a few years later i finally got the cajones to read COC and really start researching the jws, which put the nail on the coffin and i expressed to certain people in my life that there was absolutely no chance of me going back.

  • B_Deserter

    Interesting post, monophonic.

    I've found that rural halls tend to be the most abusive and iron-fisted, just like how in small towns you'll have stricter cops. It's because they have nothing better to do. An elder has the time to freak out if a kid goes to a laser tag game in a rural congregation just like a small-town cop has the time to arrest kids for skateboarding. In the big city, the elders and cops have "bigger fish to fry" than minor infractions.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    par·en·thet·ic –adjective
    1.of, pertaining to, noting, or of the nature of a parenthesis: several unnecessary parenthetic remarks.
    2.characterized by the use of parentheses.

    Yo Dawg, I was just making an aside regarding my rambling writing (constantly using said parentheses)

    Monophonic and B,

    I've heard the same thing about Cali. I've never been to a Hall there so I can't say from firsthand experience. I can't speak directly about the places where I have seen the wild inconsistencies. I don't know if I should be worried about anyone from the "inside" figuring me out. I'd rather not find out the hard way. Should I be worried?

    I agree with your frustration around the stupid micromanagement of the congregation. The biggest thing that led to my fading away was redundancy and lack of mental stimulation at the hall and once I started to go to school, I started to realize that there was no real questioning and scholastic process at the hall, just answering strictly inline with the format. After that I started to study the other intellectual dishonesties that were present. (Wait! No WONDER pursuing higher education is so bad!)

    I appreciate your takes. Thanks,

    NOT Feeling It.

  • AlyMC

    I do think there is a variance. When my DH was in college in Austin, the elders were almost understanding of us missing meetings and came over often to check on us in a very loving/non condemning manner. After bookstudy on goody night there was almost always beer in that hall as well. Most other places I've lived have not been that way at all... at all.

  • WTWizard

    I could see the trend in the Hell I used to go to, being toward less entertainment. Each time the hounder-hounder shows up, things crack down. I myself have been the victim of a study conductor that was particularly strict on music that he hated (even where it wasn't objectively bad).

    Then there are the minor issues. Those that were hounders when I first went were not particular about picky things like the color of my shirt. Then we got a new generation of hounders, and those shirts had to be white. They also made a bigger deal about things like going to questionable events starting about the mid 1990s.

    As of yet, they haven't openly said a word to me about my having left. However, I do not trust them. They could well be planning an elaborate recapture program behind my back, and that could take anywhere from tomorrow morning up to more than 10 years to enact. With the trends toward hounding for missing a single boasting session, and with the hounder-hounders starting to crack down (at the directive of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger), anything goes in the near future.

    And I don't think it's going to be toward being more liberal, either.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It


    Most other places I've lived have not been that way at all... at all

    Are you still in? I quit going despite the last place I was active being way more liberal/non-condemning than average. I found that as easy going as that BOE was, there were members -- MEMBERS! -- who would say things like "they are far to understanding", "they'll let anything slide". I became disgusted that the membership had an institutional desire to be opressed and controlled. Wow.


    And I don't think it's going to be toward being more liberal, either.

    I tend to agree with you. Since it is the Bethel lifers that are coming up into the new FDS and writing spots rather than people living in the real world with real challenges and responsibilities, I think they continue with thier rose colored glasses on.

    I have heard that there is a faction or some other disparity between Writing and Service departments on how to run things. Doesn't seem to have changed much. Maybe once the last "original" GB member passes on and there are only post-1935 replacements left, things will lighten up. OK, I don't really believe that. But for the sake of friends and family still in, I hope so. Every time I go to a Hall or Convention-thing (about 4 times a year) I don't recall hearing anything encouraging or truly Christ-like (a kindly yoke and load lightening).

    I really think they can't maintain the constant state of pressure and urgency coupled with "do more in your ministry" because it will NEVER be enough.

  • AlyMC

    no, I've been out 4 years :) I met with the elders and addressed my concerns and stopped going right then- so it is well known that I've chosen not to be a JW, but I've never been DA'd or DF'd.

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