Dear Friend, You are Satan so don't talk to me

by Younglove1999 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • 2112

    I'm sorry to hear this, even if it isn't suprising. You don't go to the meeting so you are fair game in their eyes.

    When one of my sons was molested, the elders circled their wagons around the guy. Even to the police and social workers they protected this guy. the PO even tried to tell the police that it was probably me who was guilty and I was making my son say it was someone else. Well the profesionals did their investagation and proved what my son said was correct. Well three or four months later a elder and family from another cong. came to where I was working (I was out by then), and when his wife saw me, she asked for my manager. She tells him that I was a convicted child molester, I raped my own son, & my wife left be because of it. None of that was the case, and my boss knew it. Well this woman came back two or three times to see if I was fired or not. I was working at a theme park at the time. Weill after a while I was asked to leave just so they would not have to deal with her anymore.

    I told my elder Father and my wife, they were upset and went to the other cong. and talked to those elders, the verdect came back (Which my father supported and my wife did not argue with, good witness you know) since the womn was a "sister" and in good standing, and I was not a witness, she was justified, after all how do we really know that she isn't right.

    My father and wife tried to "comfort me" with the old Jehovah will bring all things to light if we are loyal. My reply was "well she is loyal, will he bring to light that she is a lying bitch?"

  • Anti-Christ

    My dad pulled that one on me too. He didn't even bothered to ask me anything he just started to tell people I was an apostate. Ironicly he is the one that could be DFd for slander.

    I know you probably don't want to hear this but I will still say it, that's not your friend talking, it's her cult altered mind. You will find real friends in the real world that accept you as you and not for what you believe.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings younglove1999,

    In short, by the decision you've made not to attend meetings, you've screwed with your "friends" belief system, and consequently you're being 'punished' by their feeble attempts to make you feel bad. Remember according to their belief system, you are not supposed to miss meetings and you are supposed to choose a new KH no matter where you ever decide to live. They have to go to those moronic meetings, and so do you. Their spirituality depends on your continued participation, no matter what. The two main ingredients watchtower has used to brainwash their drones is fear, and guilt. Do you see them attempting to use it on you? I do.

    PS: Nice post. How did you get your post green? It looks great!


  • worldtraveller

    I have been told that JW's do not shun, yet I see here that it continues unabated. This is hypocracy at it's best AND worst. Just where does this come from. It is truly bizarre that you yourself would not expect this, yet somehow it is a fact of life for JW's.

    So my question is if it's not taught, then how is it programmed?

    And if you all have only one thing in common (the Jehovah real estate corp) then just what would you expect? If you sever the one and only commonality in your lives, then you have nothing. What utter bs when after all these years, you still haven't learned the true meaning of friends. I have several from up to 37 years, and we would do whatever it takes to keep it. This is truly the bahaivour of a cult org.

    I have discussed this situation with a few people here and imo. it for the most part is better to walk away from this than do the fade thing. It seldom seems to work. Why put such a caveat like coming back to the fold before we return as friends. You were NEVER friends, just a common member of a shameful org. Friends don't do this.

    Truly if there is a Satan(which I do not believe), then whatever Satan is, it is thriving in the WTS and must be destroyed . Funny thing is that if we practiced what they preach (the shunnung), and all worldly people do, the society would be dissolved in the next generation. The internet is working on that as we speak with the "real truth".

    So it sucks, but 99.9% of the people think this is bullshit, and there is no need to worry what a bunch of sheep think anyway.

  • worldtraveller

    Sorry-one more thing.

    Jehovah is not God. Jehovah is a name on a real estate corp. If you are looking for something to help, try Jesus-as he is not happy at all the suffering he sees in this. Good luck in your new insight-you are now free to think for yourself. Try it-it's a good thing. Bill.

  • josh1029

    I am sorry you had to go through this ... take comfort in the fact that it is not YOU. (and not just you. It is a common tale.) But you will be better off. Thinking for yourself is wonderful.

    This is the way of life for them and the teaching. They think their loyalty to the faithful will be rewarded in the end. Both my friends and father and mother have all had simlar conversations with me. They justify it with scripture. In their minds they are correct.

    I have tried to ask my father, so has my sister (who is reinstated now, but still supports me in all my decisions) , as to why worldly people and coworkers get better treatment then friends and family who have just left the organization. I am still waiting on a logical answer. At least the last time he did not funble through a bs answer, my father the Elder could not give me an answer.

  • worldtraveller

    I understand this, but what I don't understand is why when I ask them about this, they deny it, but practice it. So would you please explain this psycotic behaviour? If I ask you if you practice it and you were "in", what would you tell me?

  • josh1029

    I understand this, but what I don't understand is why when I ask them about this, they deny it, but practice it.

    It does seem to be that way. I personally have found that it depends on the person/people. Like my sister. She understands and tries to help. She still calls and checks on me, and treats me like her brother. My aunt still associates with her daughter (my cousin) even though my cousin is clear that she is not a JW anymore, and has her bf over all the time. My parennts are at the other end. EVERYTHING they do they do is to extreme. They consider themselves the example to follow. Another thing to remember, it that there is an underlying need to be a better Witness than the everyone else. God forbid you get labled as the lax or careless one. So everyone ups the standards, thus taking things to the extreme. The congregation in turn would rather it be this way, then it go the other way, so they allow it. Ultimately keeping the congregation clean and free from bad influence is the ultimate goal in everyones eyes. My .02 anyways.
  • serotonin_wraith

    Why not print this out and send it to her?

    You could say that while her words hurt you, you understand it's not her fault. She's just the unfortunate victim of a cult, and one of the characteristics cults have is the shunning of former members and a very black and white 'us versus them' mentality. As much as you feel like it, responding unkind would only reaffirm her belief that all non-JWs are nasty. You could offer to help her see why you no longer attend, but that you understand another characteristic of a cult is to dismiss all criticism of the group without listening to it.

  • VoidEater

    YoungLove: So sad...I understand, I am sorry...

    Serotonin says: "dismiss all criticism of the group without listening to it." I would add, blame others for their own actions, too.

    I can only add that my dad's mom, upon my dad's forced DA, said the same thing - when he comes back to the truth they can have a relationship again. My grandmother cut off all connection - not just with my dad but with our whole family. I went from being the favorite, first grandchild to being a non-entity (because of my dad's "sin"). Eventually my dad went through the motions process of being reinstated, and grandma called my mom: "Tell my son that we can have a relationship again." My mom said, "Tell him yourself." We haven't spoken since.

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