Do JW's really 'trust in Jehovah'????

by DannyBear 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    I believe this is the second time you have acknowledged my posts, and I have not responded.

    Thanks for taking the time to make a comment. It is appreciated.


  • anglise

    If they truly trusted in Jah why the need for their specially trained lawyers.
    Why do so many r&f dubs try to find little ways to get round the system if they really feel that their god is all seeing and that their org is the chosen one.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Danny Bear,

    Nice going. As regards uncle Freddy, I would suggest that `melodramatic'' rather than ``dramatic'' captures his style of oraory. Personally not a bad egg, certainly no lover of luxury and perks as was Knorr, Suiter, Couch, Larson and others of his high-ranking contemporaries, his failing was in taking himself too seriously and believing his own press clippings.
    With no omsbudsman on hand to rein him in -- Knorr, while an effective, if ham-handed adminstrator/boss, certainly was no spiritual giant, and actually seemed bemused by Freddie's flights of fancy-- plus a coterie of sycophants egging him on to ever greater heights of delusion, who was there to disabuse him of his notions?
    For better or worse, nobody's come close to filling his shoes in the ``creative imagination/visionary'' department. Karl Klein tried gamely, but never came close.
    The Society feels his loss keenly, and they seem to perceive their role as ``circlig the wagons,'' ``holding the fort,'' clinging desperately to the delusion that the Heavenly Cavalry will soon ride in to rescue and vindicate them.

  • DannyBear


    Another aspect altogether of displaying "trust in Jehovah in all your ways"...LAWYERS!!!

    No kidding good point.

    My nephew is a fulltime part of that Brooklyn operation. A young 'good looking blond, with alot of charisma, whose job it seems, is to travel all around the country/world checking on 'hot spots', delivering the scoop back to the 'liars' who can then, display their full trust in Jehovah to handel things, by writing reams of writ and habeas corpus, to prevent any mortal from thwarting 'gods' protection.

    I wonder if he/they really feels like god's legal mouthpiece?


  • DannyBear


    Your analysis of the personalities and proclivities of the 'bigshots' was superb!

    ***-- Knorr, while an effective, if ham-handed adminstrator/boss, certainly was no spiritual giant, and actually seemed bemused by Freddie's flights of fancy-- plus a coterie of sycophants egging him on to ever greater heights of delusion, who was there to disabuse him of his notions***

    Man did you strike a cord with that statement. Knorr would have called Fred on almost any operational matter, but obviously never exercised his "boss" persona, in the realms of Franz's dreams and story telling. Knorr was in every sense of the word a 'stuffed shirt' CEO...right down to his wing-tips.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Wing tips? Yeah, and I loved how he always wore white socks. He once remarked that if he weren't president of the WTBTS, he would have loved to be the No.1 guy at a big department store like Wannamakers.

  • serenaj92

    The disfellowshipping is another way they show no faith in God. I had asked a pastor why none of the churches do this and his answer was faith in all its sense. He said they don't have to do this. All you owe anyone is love, disfellowshipping and shunning isn't love. Besides that, if someone was truely evil, they wouldn't feel comfortable in a church or around christians, God would see to that. He also says nothing bad about JWs, but does say that all religions, since there is no direct contact like Moses' day and Jesus' day, will all have human error in them.

  • DannyBear


    Don't even get me started on disfellowshipping subject. What a crock of bullshit(no better word befits) this sheer evil practice.

    Keeping 'gods organization clean' my big toe!

    ***All you owe anyone is love, disfellowshipping and shunning isn't love. Besides that, if someone was truely evil, they wouldn't feel comfortable in a church or around christians,***

    Any human with power's of reason still percolating, would agree with your pastor. How jw's can compare sexual indescretions, asking difficult questions, or simply reading unapproved literature, worthy of breaking family ties, acting like spoiled children ie: 'you are no longer a member of the club'; 'you are dogmeat'; 'you are now walking death'; 'we don't even see you anymore'...shows the depth of mind control and the lengths they will go to shut down, anyone who doesn't conform to every utterance of the cult leader's. Certainly God has no part in their evil games.


  • scumgrief

    I'm not that young dannybear! :)


  • Xena

    Really had my eyes opened on this trust in Jehovah thing when my parents died. My dad had wanted to sell (for a nominal amount) some land to the Org. for a Kingdom Hall and he died before this was done. My sister (pioneer, wife to PO and caretaker of an assemblyhall) didn't want to sell it to them because she didn't want to wait for them to come up with the money and also she wanted more for it than they could afford at the time. Anyway knowing my dad's wishes I was going to buy the land with part of my money and donate it...she told me not to do it because I really couldn't afford I asked her..don't you think Jehovah will take care of me if I do this? Her response...loud and long really made me think...if this "faithful" servant isn't willing to trust in Jehovah why the hell am I?

    Needless to say I am now very happy things turned out as they did, but it really made an impression on me how they mouth the words but when it comes right down to it then rely on THEMSELVES just like everyone else!

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