Jehovah's Witnesses more likely to be swindled by quack medicine and conmen

by B_Deserter 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • B_Deserter

    We all know how every congregation has that elders wife who takes it upon herself to be the hall's resident Doctor Quinn: Medicine Woman. They are constantly pushing herbal supplements and natural medicines at the very least, and at times even getting a little "spiritistic" with some of the crazier quack devices out there. Do I think they're stupid? No. I think the belief system and environment that being a Jehovah's Witness puts one in naturally makes one more susceptible to wild, unprovable claims.

    1. JWs have a very suspicious view of anything popular. To them, popular means "Satan-controlled." Since quack medicine is very unpopular and criticized by the same authoritative bodies that criticize the tenets of JW faith, it becomes an "enemy of my enemy" situation, and at some unconscious level, JWs think that this philosophy about medicine is not part of "the World" as much as anything else is.
    2. The doctrine of homeopathy and natural medicine reinforce the commonly-held belief that God put everything humans needed right on the earth. It is also not developed by evolutionary theory like a lot of modern medicine is.
    3. Certain conspiracy theories sound like JW theology verbatim, especially when it comes to the New World Order. The ideas are so close to one another, it's hard to tell if Alex Jones got the idea from the Watchtower or vice-versa. Conspiracy theories are used by a lot of different con-men like Kevin Trudeau. Naturally, when someone start saying something that JWs have heard from the platform, it triggers their acceptance response by disabling their Bulls--- detectors and they'll but into anything the guy is saying.
  • moshe

    My ex-wife tried every JW quack natural-pathic/healthfood/ homeopathic cure those JW's offered. She spent a ton of money on homeopatic cures- her quack was also into iridology to diagnose what was wrong- Losers- all of them


    Find me a Pyramid Scheme or a Multi-Level-Marketing Scheme..And..I`ll find you a Jehovah`s Witness in it or,ready to buy it!..GreedyGreedyGreedy...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • B_Deserter

    OUTLAW, I seriously think the concept of Amway was born from an encounter with a Jehovah's Witness.

  • darkuncle29

    To a degree, I agree with your points.

    However, I have to ask:

    Do you feel that Western Medicine is the only valid healing modality?

    Do you think that it is possible for some so called alternative healing practices to actually have some merit? Which ones? Do you have personal experience with any of these?

    I do believe there are some quaky false pratitioners out there and some crazy backwards methods.

    I also have experience with recieving Acupuncture and TCM-Tradidtional Chinese Medicine. Works pretty damn good. But there are some things that I would only want "modern western medicine" to deal with. And there are some things that I will ONLY see an acupunturist for.

    I also have experience with being over medicated on exspensive marginally effective chemicals. My ex-bro in law is a drug rep, I think the way drugs are marketed is disgusting, its all smoozing and politics. I also have been told by a physician that I don't have a problem because he couldn't find one. Arrogant?

    I believe that western medicine has its place, but that that place is compromised when the purpose of the business is no longer healing but maintaining the bottom line and keeping investors happy.

  • tula

    There is a big difference between being a college educated naturopath and selling crap vitamins for an MLM.

  • Gregor

    Quack cures, chiropracters, herbs, etc. It has been a part of my family of JWs for as long as I can remember. Olive oil/lemon juice purges went through the cong once. The annointed super elders wife was into some BS about looking at the iris of the eye and being able to diagnose what part of the body needed what herb. My grandmother once read something in the Golden Age about aluminum cookware being poisonous and when she visited other witnesses homes she would check out the pots and pans and set them straight if they owned any aluminum.


    B_Deserter..Jehovah`s Witness`s are prime targets for Do Nothing,get Rich Fast schemes.....And..There`s always a new one.....It`s really,really good!..Brother and Sister MoneyBags are in on it..They`re doing well and have plenty of time to pioneer!..Lets get rich so we can serve Jehovah better!!..Hyper 2Hyper 2MoneyMoneyHyper 2Hyper 2..............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Snoozy

    Gregor I remember that. My Mom had gotten me a set of aluminum pots and pans for christmas one year before I was a strict JW...

    My JW MIL wasted no time showing my hubby and me the article about aluminum. I told my mom about the article and I know whe was dissapointed but she took them back and got me stainless steel cookware.

    I remember a lot of the articles on things like that. My daughter has dishes that have lead base..they are starting to wear. I told her that is not good for you..she just laughs. I guess those articles got to us more than we know. But in all defense..I always liked to back it up with a article by "worldly people".

    I remember a girl (JW) visiting my MIL along after I was a witness and they got into that eye thing.They really believed it.She told my JW SIL that she had a major upset years ago because there was a break in the line in the eye. My sil had lost a baby about that time and said..yes I did!.

    So now she is a firm believer!..

    Snoozy...who doesn't know what to believe.

  • logic

    The one thing I learned was never ever complain about any pain , because you would flooded with advice about cures , herbs, etc.

    Outlaw , you are right, if you ever wanted to start a pyramid scheme just go to the jws.

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