Came to this site to research.. J.W

by cluless 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • cluless

    I came to this site initially to research about Jehovahs Witnesses.And OBOY what I learnt. Goodbye to that believe system.

    But was it really necessary that I also now no longer see the bible as the word of God ?..And am turning athiest...?

  • Nosferatu



  • AudeSapere
    But was it really necessary that I also now no longer see the bible as the word of God ?..

    Welcome to JWD.

    Sorry about that collateral damage. I feel a loss there, too.

    -Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)

  • NewYork44M
    And am turning athiest...?

    Welcome to the club. This is what sometimes happens when your belief system is turned upside down.

  • jambon1

    If you want to believe the bible is the word of god, you go for it. Just don't ignore your conscience when you read about mass genocide, rape, partiality, stonings, bears eating children, etc, etc.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Hello Clueless, and Welcome to JWD! There is so much to learn once you find out that your old beliefs were based on lies. After much research I came to the conclusion that bible is not the word of god, instead it's an ancient book put together by different men to control the people. That however, does not mean I don't believe in a Creator, I just don't believe that the bible god is the Creator. The god of the bible had human attributes and emotions. You should check out the Deism website, Deists believe in Natures God, they don't believe in organized religion, the website has interesting information. Good luck on your quest! IC

  • cluless

    Thankyou behind the curtain for your reply I will follow your advice.

    Nos. Your comment made me laugh. If it was you doing the forums W.T study this week Thanks for the work and insight.

    Iam off to sleep now. But thanks to the other posters for the kind replys.

    Not so Clueless anylonger !!!!


  • Chalam

    Hi cluless,
    "But was it really necessary that I also now no longer see the bible as the word of God ?..And am turning athiest...?"

    No. I am not a JW, I am here and I believe the Bible is the word of God. Look around and you will see there are other like minded individuals.

    Granted, there are plenty of atheists, agnostics, and the like but you will have to decide what is wheat and what is chaff as for anything else in life.

    John 8:31-32 (New International Version)
    31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

    It is nearly unanimous believed here that JWs are not true disciples, following the real truth and it is apparent they are certainly not free.

    Keep a look out for the real truth. As the X Files put it "the truth is out there".

    All the best,

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I hear you.

    I have learned the most important thing: Life is a gift, I don't know from whom or what, but it's meant to be enjoyed and love to be spread, that's all.

  • changeling

    Was it necessary? Is opening your eyes to how things really are necessary? You tell me...


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