Real Life People VS. Board Life People

by wanderlustguy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    I have met quite a few folks from the forum, and between topics and posts about meeting so and so, and what is this person like, and the scandals, I felt kind of compelled to do a little mind dump on a topic about it and my experiences, and I hope no one thinks I didn't notice or remember them, these are just the most recent and those I am a bit closer to for one reason or another. The last thing I would want to do is talk about someone when I don't know if they would mind or not...sorry if it happens here.

    First, I had a person I respect a lot tell me she thought I was much more together in real life and was really suprised when she met me...that makes me wonder what kind of wreck I read like on here. Then it dawned on me, most of us post here as a release of things that aren't so great. So in that context...if all you read is how this is bad and that is bad for someone, maybe they do sound like a wreck. I was actually more floored because I think I am wayyyy more screwed up in real life...just imagine Forrest Gump accent with the biggest freakin honker you ever saw...that's me. D'oh.

    This same person, I won't name names but her initials are Crumpet, is also different than one might conclude from reading here. She is very intelligent, and her biggest "wreck characteristic" that I could see (usually I don't air things like this) is that she has been treated like something she is not for so long and by so many people that she believes it. She'll let you walk right over her and not even whimper just to keep from inconveiniencing you. Now, to be real, we all have screwed up stuff about us, and this isn't so much a screwed up thing as statement about how much someone really cares about other people. I met's real. She's supersmart, supersassy, and a great person who is trying to get her life set up the way she wants it just like the rest of us are. I used her as an example because she's down and I can kind of kill two birds with one stone here.

    Then at the fest, the biggest damn Mexic...Peur...San Antonian I ever met, and his cool as hell wife. We hung out and drove all over the damn place looking for a drink. I'm sure he'll be along in a moment...but the guy is freakin huge, looks like he might just rip your head off because he's freakin hungry. I wanna take him with me just so people will think I'm important and have a bad ass bodyguard. Of course I do wonder how in the hell you rode all that way in that car, dude. BUT, just from the posts, I expected a much different person...he's freakin awesome, and his wife won't shut the hell up (not really, she never talks but smiles in a way that she doesn't have to).

    OMG...Miss and Mr. Rabbit. Sweetest souls I have ever met, ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

    Hemplover and family- There really isn't much I can say only because the words are tough to come by. Incredible, incredible talent in so many aspects, as well as some insanely warm and genuine realness. The most adult teenager I have ever met. Incredible genes there.

    Sparky. I have known and considered her a very real friend for years. It's hard to believe it was only 2 and a half years ago she was talking me through one of the most tragic times of my life, on the phone. We spoke at that time for a few weeks, and then only via short PMs or e-mail here and there. For that same time I had not met her, but of course read here about her life and what she has done with the parts she had control of. I was honored by the fact that someone like her took the time to talk to me when I needed anyone to. Then I met her a few weeks ago. We were and are still the same friends, closer, but I had no idea how much more she is that what appears here. Like I said, we see the dark days, in real life some people light up the world around them when they are themselves in real life. This is one that reminds me I have no excuse to give up, give in, or think things are just too hard. And again I find myself on the phone being talked back to life by a person who I feel guilty for complaining to. one knows him, I even think a few might think they don't like him. Anyone who meets this guy and talks to him for any length of time, in person, will walk away wanting to be someone he would call a friend. He is simply something you rarely ever see in someone, genuine, as real as real can ever be. The man IS empathy.

    Theres more...much more. I wish I had been able to spend more time with Blondie, that level of intellect is something most of us will never realize we are around, because she does what she does for every reason except self importance. Every time I have seen her I end up with so much going on I reflect and realize I missed another chance to learn so much from someone. Maybe next time I'll do better.

    The point is, THIS IS REAL LIFE, yes it is a forum where people can be fake and say whatever, but I have seen far more realness here than I have seen in the home I grew up in. I see better people here, too. Yea, we're all screwed up, but it's only because we are alive...and real.

    We just come here because our homes were taken from us...and so now we live here sometimes in this whirlpool box beside the highway of our lives, and amazingly, it holds a really big sheep and all.

    I bet you guys are really ready for me to get a life and quit writing so much, huh? Kinda like "the old days" for me.



  • Mincan

    This was nice to read. Thank you.

    I much prefer talking to these interesting people in real life, each of them infinitely more interesting that way. I don't think I've made a single enemy out of any of them. We just understand each other in one hyperimportant aspect and we branch out from there.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You said a mouthful there mate.

    It is difficult to portray your personalty on a web forum, especially one that delves into a subject that has had a very negative influence on your life.

    I am sure that my mates in real life see me as a very different character to the one you see here.


  • Sparkplug
  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Thank you so much for writting that WLG. Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. I'm glad you met all these awesome people I hope I get to meet them and you one day too.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Dude, thanks for putting things in perspective. I was *this close* to signing off this place for the last time, not that anyone would notice. Mostly because of some of the mean spiritedness I have seen from some recently and the scandals (notice that I do not post much, but I do come here every day and I stay away from the BS posts and posters). I try to remove ALL of that stuff from my life these days if I possibly can. And here it is as easy as never coming back. But then I would miss the very same people (and others) that you mentioned before.

    I have no life, I work too much, my job is very demanding. My only outlets are my music, my home, and this and two other DBs. It's just me, my lovely wife and two cats, i lost my family and friends to the Borg along time ago. This place has helped me come out of my shell a bit over the last few years.

    So, I will stay, maybe get more involved and hopefully make friends with or meet some who are as wonderful as you have been blessed to meet.

    Peace \ /m

  • Crumpet

    First, I had a person I respect a lot tell me she thought I was much more together in real life and was really suprised when she met me...that makes me wonder what kind of wreck I read like on here. Then it dawned on me, most of us post here as a release of things that aren't so great. So in that context...if all you read is how this is bad and that is bad for someone, maybe they do sound like a wreck. I was actually more floored because I think I am wayyyy more screwed up in real life...just imagine Forrest Gump accent with the biggest freakin honker you ever saw...that's me. D'oh.

    This same person, I won't name names but her initials are Crumpet, is also different than one might conclude from reading here. She is very intelligent, and her biggest "wreck characteristic" that I could see (usually I don't air things like this) is that she has been treated like something she is not for so long and by so many people that she believes it. She'll let you walk right over her and not even whimper just to keep from inconveiniencing you. Now, to be real, we all have screwed up stuff about us, and this isn't so much a screwed up thing as statement about how much someone really cares about other people. I met's real. She's supersmart, supersassy, and a great person who is trying to get her life set up the way she wants it just like the rest of us are. I used her as an example because she's down and I can kind of kill two birds with one stone here.

    I cleaned my computer screen this morning. Alas now its splattered with bits of blueberry and kiwi.

    That last line had me in fits, in fact I am still having fits. You are outrageous! I love your analysis. I love how you insult and compliment at the same time. I loved your immense empathy about my "disability".

    So what would I say back, given you know I said what I said to you whilst I was within reach of you, and you you pathetic wretchedy coward waited til I was down and thousands of miles away? You are ridiculously modest, gut wrenchingly funny, inches (that's like 3 centimetres WLG) ahead of me in the smart stakes, and you arent afraid to get your hands dirty and all so damnably courteous with it. Its nigh on impossible to retaliate to someone subtely poking digs when they open car doors and refrain from heavy footing the accelerator after I tell them it make me wet myself.

    By the way, I do whimper.

    Duly slain, crumpet.

    Dude, thanks for putting things in perspective. I was *this close* to signing off this place for the last time, not that anyone would notice. Mostly because of some of the mean spiritedness I have seen from some recently and the scandals (notice that I do not post much, but I do come here every day and I stay away from the BS posts and posters). I try to remove ALL of that stuff from my life these days if I possibly can. And here it is as easy as never coming back. But then I would miss the very same people (and others) that you mentioned before.

    Great post Locustus. Its not all about BS posters - the majority I hope are very genuine. I've met throngs now and whilst like you I've lost all of my family to the Borg, I feel incredibly blessed by the new family I have found.

    Sometimes I dream that I can find a spot in the world where its beautiful with beaches and that my new family, ever extending, can come stay and do nothing but let me look after them. This will largely involve me lying in a hammock and putting to the fridge where the beers are, or the trees where the wood for the evening fire is, but you know its the thought that counts. I hope I get to meet you and your wife at one of my international forays Locustus. I think you'd fit in really well if the above post is a good reflection of who you are.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    The fact is online you can either wear a mask or be completely naked. A lot of us I think show qualities we feel like doing in real life but can't get away with. It always reminds me of what Larry David said about Curb Your Enthusiasm, I am paraphrasing here, "I get to do things on here I would never do in real life, I would get my ass kick if I did the things I do on my show". I think younger people have a better grip on this as they have grown up with it and the line between online/real life is blurred some. Older ones though I think get a bit more freedom online. Just my two cents anyways. I am sure I look like a jerk on here, but I am only half a jerk outside of this message board.

  • quietlyleaving


    well said

    It seems to me that sometimes in order to clarify things we have to adopt extreme positions. The board can only show those extremes and its up to us to put them into context. I really value the discussion debate aspect of this board and also the people who can courageously adopt the extreme positions for our benefit.

  • jgnat

    I completely agree. I've met some great people from the board. Every encounter, for me, has been a very positive experience. In order, I've met Concerned Mama, Irreverent, Blondie, Angharad, Simon, Bikerchic, and Onacruse. Great people, all.

    I think if you are seeking friendship and a genuine meeting of the minds, the board is a great place to make new friends.

    What is missing from the board is facial inflection and mannerism. We pick up so much from those visual cues. I find the first few hours very odd, as I get to know this "stranger" that in many ways, I know very well already. It's picking up the whole person that is a fascinating experience.

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