USA Should Declare Bankruptcy?

by sammielee24 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnConfused

    I won't listen to LaRouche until Tom Cruise endorses him with a video.

  • UnConfused

    I won't listen to LaRouche until Tom Cruise endorses him with a video.

  • Confucious

    True. That was a general sweepings statement.

    And I know it is a mess.

    Basically we've become a country that doesn't produce anything.

  • 5go
    My prediction is that the USA will limp along

    See Britain post WW2 pretty much that is what will happen to the US.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think the US should declare Shinnanigans

  • uninformed

    USA Should Declare Bankruptcy?

    I think the US has shown a great irresponisbility toward its own citizens in lots of financial ways. Being the world cop is expensive and unnecessary. Foreign aid should be given very carefully (such as now in Nicaragua) and then ONLY to countries that don't badmouth us and want to kill us. After all, it is voluntary.

    The US Debt, compared to Gross National Product is not much worse than other times in our economy, so no, should not declare bankruptcy.

    What we need are fiscally conservative leaders. What we have, and have had are tax and spend idiots.


  • moshe

    The Govt is not broke- of course they will have to sell Yellowstone park and all the rest of the public parks to pay for the boomers SS checks. Once the land is sold they can start collecting property taxes on the land.

  • 5go
    The Govt is not broke- of course they will have to sell Yellowstone park and all the rest of the public parks to pay for the boomers SS checks. Once the land is sold they can start collecting property taxes on the land.

    Don't forget there is income yet received. I think that is business talk for they can always raise taxes or something like that.

  • moshe

    The US may have to do what Europe has done - start a value added tax, VAT. and a tax on the Internet- a national sales tax on Internet commerce. They have plenty of ways left to raise money. When I was a boy the top tax rate for millionaires was 70% as I recall.

  • 5go
    When I was a boy the top tax rate for millionaires was 70% as I recall.

    Yep it was that way since WW2 if I remember correct strait through the post war boom. So much for high taxes on the rich effecting the economy.

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