Letter from the Void 080123

by VoidEater 29 Replies latest members private

  • nvrgnbk

    I'm sorry.

  • Gopher

    How awful. Just awful.

  • nameless_one

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think you are very brave for posting the letter, and for facing the pain and working to get through it. That is healthy and courageous, and a help to others as well who have been violated and abused. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • BFD
    That is healthy and courageous, and a help to others as well who have been violated and abused.


  • Hortensia

    there ought to be a special hell reserved for pedophiles. Or they should be used for vicious experiments. I don't believe in the death penalty except for pedophiles. What a terrible life for innocents.

  • RollerDave

    OMG, Void.

    I am SO SORRY you had to go through that.

    As another who survived a sort of hell as a youngster, I can understand the dreams, the triggers that you would never expect...

    One little thing and you are swept back into the darkness you thought had been vanquished by the forces of time.

    You knew no better, why would you have?

    He sure as hell should have, and that is a betrayal of the most severe magnitude.

    I am glad to hear that you had therapy, it can help so much, even though it is something one must still face every day.

    My triggers are a certain kind of winter day, when the light is just that shade of blue, sounds of dry leaves being violently blown in the wind, and anything too gory or dealing with dismemberment, particularly throat-cutting.

    Some of these are easy to avoid, others not so much, but I am sorry yours has to be so commonplace.

    Hard to avoid peanut butter.

    But God bless you and give you strength,

    It's all I can offer, my sympathy, a sort of understanding, and well wishes.


  • VoidEater

    Shawn: I use VoidEater as a band name, the latest CD is "Into the Void". It's New Wave/80's synth-pop...thanks for the note, would like to hear some of your music.

    Thank you, Nvr and Gopher. And Nameless, too. As well as Hortensia - and i shold also thank Journey and Mrs. Witness, who I missed by name earlier. BFD, again, as well.

    It needs to be acknowledged, I think, so it can be stopped - if more people are aware (especially those still "in" who may be thinking that this sort of thing cannot happen within the congregation, or the family), then maybe it can be more easily spotted and stopped. If others have similar stories, they need to know they're not alone, and that it's ok and helpful to speak about it.

    It hurts most that those who had an inkling did not take it seriously enough to investigate and stop.

    Thank you, too, RD: I appreciate your kindness, and I also know a "certain kind of light"...I'll post something here as a follow up. It may not be of much interest to most, but maybe it will click with others...and, oh yes, the throat-cutting...

    I appreciate the support here so much - it's helped a lot over the past couple days.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    It is amazing what people can survive.

    I'm SO glad you're here VoidEater.

    And so VERY sorry that was a part of your life-experience on this planet.

    Wishing you many, many better times in the years ahead, and much health & healing.

    ((( VE )))


  • orangefatcat

    Oh dear God what ever happened to this sweet innocent child, take his burden from him and burn it out of his mind, and soul for he has suffered far too long. Take him to a serene place of beauty and sanctuary of a glowing light of peace and salvation and preserve his being that he may never recall the evil that was forced on him. Give him strength and courage to be free and loved in purity and holiness. Bless him Father for he has suffered so. Oh merciful Father let him cling to you for safety sakes a rested haven of tranquility, take his pain and let him suffer not, his heart and soul refresh him so, God please take away his pain.

    all my love


  • RollerDave

    OFC, you are such a dear heart.

    I don't know if I've told you that before, so I do so now.

    And may God smile upon you as you so lovingly have wished him to do on another.

    I too wish the peace of God upon you, voideater.

    I don't recall if you are still a believer or not, but peace is peace, right?

    God Bless,


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