The Culability of Jehovah's Witnesses and Pedophilia

by AllTimeJeff 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi there Oracle. Please quote whatever you find useful, although the information Barbara Anderson has put out is so much more comprehensive then this, and documents specific examples of what i wrote here.

    I would wager that there are many ex elders here who read Barbara's latest commentary on these settlements and just shook their heads in recognition. All the dumb letters to the branch, all the dumb responses, all the well meaning elders who are WAY over their heads and totally confused as to what to do. And worst of all, to know of the evil, scheming pedophile we had to deal with, who takes advantage of a system for their own pleasure. Do these guys care about "Jehovah"? Doubtful to me.

    I wrote this because sometimes I get the feeling whenever someone says "JW's protect pedophiles" to the public at large, their really isn't a frame of reference for most people to understand. I think very few knows what really happens and what the GB policy is and how utterly callous it is towards the victims. I see a need to explain it in a way for the public at large to understand this better.

    But lets face it, the small leaks in this boat exploded thanks to Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson. JW's will never be the same after having to deal with this. I am grateful to them for that.

  • R6Laser

    I keep hearing how the JW don't warn the rest of their congregation when a pedophile or rapist joins. Are there any religions that actually do this? Never heard of any religion announcing or putting in their bulletin board that so and so is a pedophile. Just like when you move to your new house. Unless you search for yourself, you might just be living next to a rapist or pedophile yourself. Its actually kind of a wake up when you go online and search for known sex offenders around your area, you might just be surprised how many are in your own neighborhood.

  • verystupid77

    I just found this and thought it would be nice to bump this up very good post.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife



  • truthseekeriam
    Great informative post! Thank you.
  • Oubliette

    I have often wondered if god exists, why he made us with such strong sexual impulses only to forbid their use except in the strictest of circumstances. There is much about such a view that is illogical.

    OK, if there IS a god, and as far as I'm concerned the evidence is less than scant, he/she/it/ is certainly not anything like the tribal desert god of the bible. That conception of "god" is of a severely mentally disturbed, deluded being. Simply put, it reflects the superstitions, fears and paranoia of the primitive people that created him.

    In simple terms: Jehovah is one fucked up God. If a human acted like that, we'd all want to put him in prison. The Bible account of Jehovah paints a portrait of a psychopathic, narcissistic person that is capricious, unpredictable and pretty much insane.

    According to all media accounts, the average Mafia Don is a nicer guy than Jehovah.

    Going back to the thesis implicit in the statement quoted above, this is a very good point. According to the Bible, God made us so that we all want to fuck as often as possible, but then he said that if we DO THAT, then we are bad.

    That just makes no sense.

    Seriously: God makes us to want to do something and then says we are "bad/sinful" because we want to do that.

    Do you really want to worship THAT god? Really?

    Evolutionary biology has a much more plausible explanation: Survival of the species makes us all want to fuck as often as possible, but we have also evolved cognitively to the point where we can consciously be aware that that might mean we consider who, when, where and how often we copulate. Why? Because there are consequences which anyone with even a sub-par IQ can understand.

    The Bible doesn't really go there. Why not? I dunno. Ask Jehovah.

    But until he responds: So you have it. We have outgrown the Bible. It is a relic from our Bronze Age past which--if it's studied at all-should only be considered for its historical and cultural significance relative to influencing how we got to now.

    It most certainly is not useful or relevant to the 21st Century. Heck, it hasn't been relevant for over a thousand years.

    Let's review: It's a cult!


  • Vidiot

    Oubliette - "The Bible account of Jehovah paints a portrait of a psychopathic, narcissistic person that is capricious, unpredictable and pretty much insane."

    Interesting that in the recent movie Exodus: Gods and Kings, God is portrayed as a (quite possibly imagined) child, and specifically at one point, a rather petulant and tantrum-y one at that.


    Oubliette - "According to all media accounts, the average Mafia Don is a nicer guy than Jehovah."


    I'm now picturing Jehovah as a cross between Hannibal Lector and Tony Soprano.

    Thanks for that.

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