Kelly Clarkson JW Connection

by Burger Time 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I have not see this on here, but my Dad is friends with Kelly Clarkson's aunt. She is a JW in the area and evidently very close to Kelly. Kelly invited her aunt to the American Idol finale with her Mom and Dad, and they even interviewed her Aunt on the local news. Anyways thought some of you might be find that curious since in a topic earlier I was speaking about that contestant I thought might be a dub.

  • deaconbluez

    Awesome! I love Kelly Clarkson.

  • outofthebox

    Her aunt went to see American IDOL!???

    Idolatry is a disfellowshiping felony! And maybe she was watching soap operas and toasting at the same time.



  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    She is actually quite a popular JW in the circles. I think the Elders in our district just aren't that strict.

  • dawg

    I just want to know what happened to the world of music when a karyoke singer becomes a star? Good freaking lord, what happend to the Frank Xappas, Pink Floyds, and the Led Zepplins of the world?

    OK so I know everyone has to like whatever they like, but when Hanna Montana is the top act there's something wrong in this world in my mind.... good lord, where has the soul of music gone? Its all flash and bull as far as I see...and just so you know, I was no fan of the other manufactured stars years ago. But the thing is few people were, we all made fun of those that liked the Monkeys and the like.

    Please tell me you all have better taste than that.

  • dinah


    MTV killed music. Suddenly music was all about image and looks. Now if you can look sexy and lip-sync you are a star. Disgusting! Teenagers buy the most music so the entire industry caters to them.

  • GoddessRachel
    Please tell me you all have better taste than that.

    Hey Hey we're the Monkees, People say we Monkey Around! But we're too busy singing to .....

    aw, I was singing aloud and everything but I still forgot how the rest of it goes. Anybody?

    OK, I just thought the Monkees TV show was funny when I was a kid, and their songs are sing-along-able (what, that's a word?). I don't actually think they are amazing musicians. I understand that Pink Floyd and The Beatles and a bunch of others are in a class of their own. But what's wrong with liking a catchy tune, man?

    But anyway, the point of this thread is that a JW did something very naughty; she went to a live show called American IDOL! That's juicy!


  • mind my own
    mind my own

    That is pretty cool, I didn't know that.


  • lisaBObeesa
    where has the soul of music gone?

    The soul of music is alive and just won't find it much on the major record labels.

  • Abandoned

    Her aunt went to see American IDOL!???

    Idolatry is a disfellowshiping felony! And maybe she was watching soap operas and toasting at the same time.

    Sssshhhhhhh! We don't want the dubs to know we're onto them.....

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