FAITH DEFINED. Heb 11:1 REALLY bad in NWT. Also Richard Dawkins' definition

by Open mind 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Thanks for the link to the related thread.


    I liked your "nut shell" of this topic.


    if only all of us had managed to stick to such a polite manner of talking/writing, things would have been so much easier, and one could have been able to sit down around a table and TALK in stead of standing at the hill tops or in the trenches, shouting.

    Sounds good to me. I enjoyed your take on the world of Greek translation, "scholars" and all the games that can end up being played there.

    I don't know if you'll see this post, but do you have any thoughts on how the NWT renders Heb 11:1? The NWT seems to try to give "faith" more logical/rational props than it deserves, IMO. How do you weigh in on the NWT's rendering? I'm just reading it from a "what makes sense to me" perspective.

    LOL @ dogisgod!

    That's worse than the pension agreements the airlines have stolen from their employees.

    Thanks again to all,

    Open Mind

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