JWs Message: ``How Great Are We?"

by Room 215 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan B
    Dan B


    My comments were not directed at you (hence the post did not start by addressing you). It was a general comment on how reading between the lines is a feeble excuse for interpreting things any way you wish, and how the WT has been guilty of this over the years. I'm very suspicious of anyone, including you, who has to tell me to read between the lines.

    By the way, I did read your post, and I guess because you state that your argument is self-evident, I have to accept it, right?
    Obviously, in this modern age of thinking, informed individuals, one can clearly see that you are correct. (sarcasm definitely intended!)


  • troubled

    I agree that as JWs, we can sometimes go overboard on the "we're good; they're bad" message. I also agree, however, with the poster who said every organization that wants to gain adherents resorts to some level of self-promotion. The fact is, as human, we do it ourselves.

    For instance, on a first date, how many of us are going to come right out and honestly list all of our faults and idiosyncracies? I can see it right now.

    "Well, Don, I hope we can see more of each other. By the way, if you haven't noticed, my breath can knock over the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Also, I'm stingy with my money, pout when I don't get my way, and have a credit card the size of the Goodyear Blimp. Just wanted to be honest, y'know. But really, I hope we can go out again soon."

    In real life, when you want to impress, you "accentuate the positive." (Hey, isn't that part of a song?) Yes, it's a form of manipulation/persuasion. But it's quite common and not at all isolated to the WTBTS. I'm not saying it's always good. I'm just saying it's universal.

  • Moxy

    you all might not be aware that the service meeting has begun a feature where a video is discussed by q&a each month. everyone is directed to watch the video at home and be ready to participate in the discussion. org video was the first.


  • DIM

    Thursday night meetings remind me of those videos that channel 12 shows sometimes of the Nazi meetings in WWII

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Telecom.... Congratulations! Like the proverbial busted clock, you're right twice today....they both take (brag) too much about themselves and at the same time are a secretive bunch. How do they accomplish both? By publishing disinformation and hiding their zits while inflating their rather puny acheivements. Not a secret Society? Just try to get them to give you a forthright global accounts statement for all the money the dubs have contributed. ``Worldly'' oprganizations do it all the time.

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