Persecution in Australia

by freedomfighter 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomfighter

    The last convention i attended was ( apart from boring ), very much themed around fear. In more than a few talks, it was suggested for us brothers in Aust. to expect things to get tough and not to think because we live on a big Island, that we won't be persecuted.

    These comments and suggestions usually got a slight gasp from the audience. Also a bit of chit chat during the lunch break.

    Looking back, i now wonder WHY they said what they did. My personal view is that because of child abuse allegations in The USA and other countries; this issue would "raise it's ugly head" over here. Point is, they don't know how to deal with this problem.

    Will add too, that the use of the word "Persecution" would stir up the brothers and bring Armaggedon closer to them in their own minds.

    e.g " Wow! Things are getting serious, we better pick up our act before the end of this system."


  • brinjen

    I remember in the 80's they were playing on the time when JWs were banned in Australia... They like to bring up the subject on a regular basis, get the rank & file all revved up, ready to defend the twoof in the face of opposition.

    I just threw up a little in my mouth...

  • erynw

    Fear is their number one tactic to keep the R&F in line. It's a universal theme that has nothing to do with location.

  • LouBelle

    I must say in all my years as a JW, I was never persecuted. Oh the talks and experiences of those that suffered for the faith - okay I must admit at the time some experiences brought tears to my eyes, but that's only cos I"m soft hearted. I'm sure some of the stuff was lies.

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