is watchtower growing or shrinking

by jacethespace 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jacethespace

    It still seems like a dillema to me as the watchtower seems to teach whats in the bible really well, although these days i can see a few scriptures which have been twisted and deep down i have never trusted the new world translation.

    But on the other hand the statistics dont seem to add up at all.For example since i have been in my congregation despite the inportance placed on jws to be out on field circus only the odd few accept mags on the doors all others just couldnt be bothered.My local congregation has not really grown and brought in the so called right hearted ones.The odd few have come in but mainly growth seems to come from jws that have left their country and come to britain esp from zimbabwe thats seems popular.In fact ive saw a number leave.

    Plus my book study group in my neighbourhood for tuesday evenings has not grown at all despite the odd study here and there and a few people having the mags.Im im left thinking come on out of all the people in my area only this small group here is expecting to be saved and they arent anything special not any better than anyone else.

    Id like to know what if any growth in congregations others have seen and how many people respond etc?

  • Abandoned

    Well, no matter HOW you look at it, this isn't being fulfilled:

    Isaiah 60:22 The little one shall become a thousand, and the smallest a mighty nation: I, Jehovah, will hasten it in its time.

  • sir82
    the watchtower seems to teach whats in the bible really well

    WTF? Not even sure where to start with that one.

    i can see a few scriptures which have been twisted

    A few? A FEW??? Yikes, time to get a new eyeglass prescription!

    Id like to know what if any growth in congregations others have seen and how many people respond etc

    Growth, at least in the US, is entirely in foreign language, primarily Spanish, congregations. If they split out the numbers by language, you'd see significant declines in the English-speaking numbers over the past 10+ years. Virtually all baptisms in English-speaking congregations are children of current JWs.

  • OnTheWayOut

    When I was still an elder in 2006, the C.O. was pushing the 15-minute publisher
    provision. That's where the elderly and the sick are allowed to be regular publishers
    if they just get 15 minutes of field circus in the month.

    Publishers fake their numbers often. The 15-minute ones and the ones who write
    some hours but don't go out- they all help keep the numbers a little bit higher.

    As mentioned, the English-speaking in the USA are down. Without the fake and
    ridiculously low-hours publishers, the percentages would have gone down, despite
    the Spanish growth.

  • cognac

    It depends, do they count inactive people as part of the 6 and 1/2 million?

  • daniel-p

    I think you'll get mixed responses on whether they're growing or not. The Society will always spin the growth rate. Like many have said before, if they grow it's proof of Jah's blessing, if they don't grow, it's proof that the end is near. Deluded people will always interpret reality to support their delusions.

  • 5go

    Growing but slowing down fast.

    In the real world you most keep certain amount of growth just to keep up with the drop out, and death rates. The watchtower is barely keeping ahead of it's drop rate in western most lands and it looks like it may be starting to happen to it's overall growth too. Where they are growing leaps and bounds is in lands that don't have easy access to the watchtower's past.

  • sspo

    Some areas the numbers are going down. Six congregations that split 20 years ago, rejoined and instead of six, they have three.

    Another congr. where my daughter goes they have more than 175 publishers and ready to build a new hall.

    In the US with more than 1 million publishers, the increase from the field is non-existent.

    The ones who are getting baptized are primarily children wanting to carry the mikes.

    Of course there are exception for the motives of wanting to get baptized.

  • orangefatcat

    has anyone a copy of the year book they could scan those statistics for us.



  • WTWizard

    The Watchtower Society has Marfan's Syndrome. How I know? It seems to be getting "taller", but all on fake volume. Like a person with the syndrome, they are getting bigger but weaker and more spindly all the time.

    Symptoms: The Kingdumb Hells are packed for special events, but when it comes to regular boasting sessions, many of them are mostly empty. They are reporting increases in publishers, getting dangerously close to 7 million. However, that is counting many publishers that wouldn't have been counted back in the day when I went in. Fake time is common. Even when people put in real time, much of it is spent driving like turtles and walking like snails. Coffee breaks in excess of 30 minutes are normal. People spend time running errands during field circus time. They also waste lots of time egressing the Kingdumb Hell, often after coming in late.

    You can also see it in the littera-trash iteslf. The articles are basically the same refried cat sxxx. They haven't put out a substantially new book since when I was in. They still have the same song book that they had in 1984, despite that many of the songs have outdated terminology. They are reducing the publications: The Asleep! is now only once a month, and the Puketower is two different editions. Paperback books replace the hardbound ones they used to have. They have tiny calendars. Crapt campaigns are replacing regular magazine and book placements (though the pedophile scandal on NBC forced them to cancel one campaign). They are making it easier to place littera-trash without thinking, so they can inflate the numbers.

    In addition, children are getting forced to get baptized at ever earlier ages. They are starting to push people into it before 12; those getting baptized at age 6 are held as examples for everyone to follow. And they are pushing into territories where Internet access is still limited. This is inflating the numbers substantially.

    And, like the Marfan patient, the end will be swift. The "aorta" of the witless congregation is already starting to dilate critically. It is only a matter of time before the Internet catches up, the fake time slips will be exposed, and parents are going to pull their 5 year old children out before forcing them to get baptized at age 6 (and they are going to run out of children at the rate they are going). All the while, the legal bills from defending pedophiles are going to swamp their resources, preventing them from reaching Nigeria and other poor countries. Other reports are going to embarrass them to death. And, they are going to run out of tricks to inflate their numbers. People that are putting in dummy service now will ultimately put in zero service, or disassociation letters.

    Once all this happens, the end will be swift. The money will run out (even quicker without college education and with part time employment). Then they will have to go to court, without the resources to defend the pedophiles. Service will be totally unproductive. They will find themselves printing up more S-77 forms than anything else. They might be able to stall for a while, but it's only a matter of time before their laziness and dishonesty catch up to them and they come crumbling down.

    In the meantime, the apostate community will have solid growth. Those people are not going back into the Tower. Eventually there will be more active apostates than active witlesses, and the apostates will have more and better resources. Ultimately, it will get so these boards will be more to help discuss the experiences that the cult has caused them, as opposed to warning others against joining or helping others get out.

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