I cannot believe how brazen some people can be

by unbeliever 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    wow, that has to be a jolt to your psyche to have such an unbalanced assault made to your relationship..... i hope you all are settling down after the fact

    i have to tell you tho, as a parent of a child with a mental health diagnosis, that it sure smacks of borderline personality behaviour..... idealizing a relationship, especially an unattainable one with a high drama potential.....

    absolutely refrain from engaging! once you cross any boundary of contact, all bets are off...... drama is the goal.....

    i suspect this individual believes what she is thinking, but that is HER issue, and not yours...truly it is an unbelievably "brazen" intrusion into your lives....

    hope it dies a speedy natural death

  • katiekitten

    No No, dont e-mail her, then she will have your e-mail address!

    I think shes just very very lonely and for some reason has decided to stagnate at a point 15 years ago when she imagined she was happy, instead of moving on in a healthy way and looking for life again. I would pity her, she probably needs counselling. After 15 years she is really remembering things better than they were, and has had time to forget things enough to move your man into an impossibly high pedestal. Hes up with the gods in her mind!

    I was in that place once, but not for 15 years admittedly!! It takes a special kind of low self esteem to hang onto something that died so many years ago and not be able to move on in life. She was just having a punt to see if he had done the whole marriage / baby thing and was ready to go backwards back to her (yeah right! - even if he didnt want you, he'd be more likely to move onto someone else rather than move backwards to someone he outgrew 15 years ago).

    Anyway, I guess your lucky, you have such a great man who did and said all the right things.

  • Satanus

    Why is he still friends w her? He has no obligation to be.


  • oompa

    Just when I think I am disturbed.....geez. I could see a short response, like, "you gotta be kiddin....get some help!"........oompa

  • DaCheech

    when i was engaged to my wife, a sister in the cong 20 years older wrote me a 8 page love letter.

    in one paragraph, she described how my wife would never be able to satisfy me like her.

    that was one occasion that the elders help was needed.

  • ColdRedRain

    I have an ex GF that's just like that. She cheated on me constantly, and when I got sick of her crap, I dumped her for for my current GF. I got some IM's from my ex where she declares her undying love for me too. I pretty much told her that she's in the past and if she didn't cheat on me, we'd still be together.

    Screw you, Amber.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings UB,

    Send her a copy of the the Roy Orison song: It's Over

    Your baby doesn't love you any more

    Golden days before they end
    Whisper secrets to the wind
    Your baby won't be near you any more

    Tender nights before they fly
    Send falling stars that seem to cry
    Your baby doesn't want you any more
    It's over

    It breaks your heart in two
    To know she's been untrue
    But, oh, what will you do
    When she says to you
    There's someone new
    We're through, we're through
    It's over, it's over, it's over

    All the rainbows in the sky
    Start to weep, then say goodbye
    You won't be seeing rainbows any more

    Setting suns before they fall
    Echo to you that's all, that's all
    But you'll see lonely sunsets after all

    It's over, it's over, it's over
    It's over


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    It's called obsessed. Cherish your world and stay out of OZ. Don't write and rub salt in her wounds, she will assign another meaning and you will start the ball rolling for more contact. W.Once

  • Quandry

    Perhaps she saw the fact that you are not married as a sign that maybe she still had a chance.

    We had a thread about the advantages of marriage some time back. There are, to me, many. Maybe this would be one of them. It states to all onlookers that you are indeed serious about your relationship, that it is not something semi-permanent or subject to change. It also protects the legal interests of children, and the "significant other" in cases of injury, illness, or death.

    At any rate, I would be the better person and show class and just let it go. Your boyfriend has made it obvious that he has no interest in her, so she will feel the humiliation of being rejected. Why rub salt into the wound?

    Quandry-married 37 years.

  • babygirl75

    I really feel for you!! I went through the same thing with my husband before we got married. An ex-gf, who he had not seen in over 5yrs, started calling his mother's house leaving message after message about how she had made a mistake in treating him bad and causing him to break it off with her and how she would never be able to find someone like him again, and blah,blah, blah......

    I was SOOOOO pissed! So I can relate to how you feel over this. I refused to let him respond to her and told him to just ignore it, we then got his mother's phone number changed. (that's the only # she had, she didn't have our home #) I did try to call her though and confront her, but when she answered the phone, she told me I had the wrong number! Yeah right, gutless B*tch!!!

    I hope this all blows over for you pretty quickly...Just remember you have him and your precious child, not her!!

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