where to go from here?

by jacethespace 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jacethespace

    Some of you on here know that i have been fading for sometime now and stopped going to meetings for quite a while but the past month or so i have returned.I am still just not sure whether at the end jws will be found to be gods people or not.

    Well today i attended the early sunday meeting eager to try and do what i still think could be right and despite the doubts i have about the watchtower.

    Now to be fair a number of people came and spoke to me said hello and stuff.The majority just didnt bother.But what really got me today was a number of people who i thought were my friends were just hateful.I even held the door open for one of them and they just were so hatefull and gave me funny looks as if i had the plague or something.I left feeling like this is no diffrent to any other religion. Some nice and other people not so nice.All i could think of on the way home was so much for jehovah never forgetting what you have done for him.Im starting to wonder whether the bible is really gods word after all.

    I just feel im at a fork in the road and dont know what to do for the best.

  • BFD

    What an awful place to be. I am sure that you will figure it out and others here will be able to offer better advice. I am reminded of something said once by Yogi Berra...

    "When you get to the fork in the road, take it."


  • RR

    Hi Jace, I feel for you. I was never DF'd, and when we faded, there were so many rumors about us. You just couldn't make this stuff up. A few months later we went to a funeral and few spoke to us, there were whispers, and we could hear them. fact is we looked no different then when we first faded. Rumors were that I had a beard and long hair and started my own church and was writings books ... well 15 years later most of that is true but that wasn't the case back then.

    I still believe the Bible is God's Word. I don't believe He has a particular religion. God has a standard, both morally and doctrinally, and those who follows those standards are His. If you happen to find a group of people who have those standards and those standards are also yours, then fine, fellowship with them. But in the end, membership in any man made church, no matter how reverant they are is not a ticket into the Kingdom. No amount of meetings attendnace, no amout of hours in field service, Bible studies will get you in the Kingdom.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    If you happen to find a group of people who have those standards and those standards are also yours, then fine, fellowship with them. But in the end, membership in any man made church, no matter how reverant they are is not a ticketr into the Kingdom. No amount of meetings attendnace, no amout of hours in field service, BIble studies will get you in the Kingdom.

    I like how you worded that RR.

    jace - Read Mt 7:16-19

    What good fruit was offered to you when you went to the KH? My father in law used to have fruit trees. He had several really nice cherry trees, loaded to the hilt every year with nice ripe cherries. They looked perfect on the outside (as do the KH's), but when you'd open one up, they always had worms in them. The KH's are full of rotten fruit! Is that really the place you want to be? After what happened this last time, think about things.

    One thing I had validated for me when I joined here is the lack of genuine love all throughout the religion. It wasn't just the area I was in, it was all over the world!! Your KH is no different than any other KH. They really don't care about you. Does that sound like God's chosen people to you? Things that make you go hhhhhhmmmmmm.


  • kls*

    Well i can't speak for believeing the bible or not cause that is your decision but i can comment on the hate that jws for those that miss meeting . When i was fading i got the same glares and looked down at like i was the devil himself even knowing most of the jws didn't like me anyway because i was mouthy and didn't conform to their thinking ,(We are jws and better then anyone else in the world )and i was marked as Trouble from early on.

    Soon after, finally leaving all together it got even worse . The jws would call my home looking for jw husband and would either hangup on me or call me names and then hangup. It did hurt at the time but the worst was the husband treating me the same way and using our kids as spys to watch every move i made and the husband would be a good jw and report me to the elders. The way i knew i was being spyed on and reported was a good friend who was about as much as jw as i was but was still attending meeting was my spy. Its all a very demented sick game and only the strong and those with help will make through the transition of their grip.

    So love among jws? never, love among those leaving ? never !

    Don't let the jws make you feel like crap but make you stronger and know you are better then they are.You are Human!

    My best to you


  • Gopher


    There are only so many hours in a week, weeks in a year, and years in a lifetime. So why burn up some hours of your life with people who are so self-absorbed and selfish? You won't change them, and as you noted there's nothing special in terms of a "God" among them.

    Once you free yourselves from them, and just let the noise diminish, you'll feel at peace. Then you'll be able to clearly determine a direction. Just don't jump into another belief system really fast. It'll come to you.

  • KenseiShimonzu

    Hi Jace,Another fader i met online before i made the decision to do mine..pointed me toward this,when i had doubts about the bibles validity:Zeigeist

  • dogisgod

    Why go where people make you feel like s..t? That's crazy.

  • Frank75

    According to John, Jesus said God's people would be known by love, not what they believed. Paul later wrote that some disciples believed in observing the Sabbath and others didn't, but they were all brothers. It was not a big deal to him, just the Judaisers who were lording it over others.

    Does any of this sound remotely similar to the Watchtower slant on things?

    Use your feelings on this one, if not logic and your own eyes.



  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Sadly, many JW's revel in being judgmental, petty, snarky, self-righteous gits. Their 'love' for you is totally conditional on you fully performing the entire programme of JW works. If you get to a point of slacking too much, many will resent you and marginalise you; you are no longer 'worthy' of their friendship and kindess because you are 'spiritually weak' by your slacking so much, and 'spiritually weak' persons should be kept at arms length. This ridiculous judgmentalism and lack of compassion is subtly inculcated by the Watchtow. True Christians are not that way.

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