Religion vs. Spirituality

by Introspection 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    HI All,

    I wonder what spirituality really is? Is it just another emotion of some kind, like love, hate, elation, laughter, compasson etc? What is responsibile for our inner feelings, is it just some chemical reaction in our brain, and what determines what kind of emotions each individual has as compared to another person?

    Nature gives me a feeling of wanting to know God, untill I consider just how cruel nature is, then I wonder how a loving God could create such a system where everything has some microbe or another animal trying to kill him to survive himself. Life can be great until something malfunctions and we suffer and die. How does spirituality overcome this reality?

    My 2 cents worth,

    Ken P.

  • gumby

    The spirit within us.......we all have it. What is it?
    This is one of the things that makes me also believe in creation.
    We talk to ourself and correct ourself. When we mess up for example we talk to "ourself within" and say...why did I do that....what an idiot I am.
    One part tells us what we should do and another part does what we want to do.It's like two people within us. It is our spirit.....whatever that is.

  • Satanus


    Obviously, there isn't 'a loving god' such as christians believe in, or a love/hate twofaced god of the wt. But, i believe, i sense something. Many mystics, both christian and non, who have gotten closer to it (god), say it cannot be described or named. It cannot be angered, made happy, or moved in any way by us.

    Maybe the original creator just made miniature versions of itself. Maybe these 'miniature versions' self organised and did everything else.

    If there is reincarnation, then all the suffering of one animal or one lifetime isn't so serious.


  • Francois

    This is perhaps the best post, in terms of helping with real growth and a realization of what truth really means I've seen on this board since I first came here. And everyone's perspective has some facet of great truth associated with it. Good work Intro, you've struck a goldmine with this one.

    Here's my take on this, and obviously this is largely a matter of definition of terms.

    To me the majority of people are motivated by and are members of the religions of tradition and fear (do what we say, or we'll kick you out and your family won't speak to you; or do what we say or you'll burn forever; or do what we say because we've been saying it for two thousand years AND you'll burn in hell).

    So people who believe in similar things in similar ways join the same church, religion. This definition says that religions are social phenomena. We believe alike, thus we get together to celebrate our common beliefs; we have picnics on the lawn; we make rules for your behavior; we make rules about what you can and cannot believe.

    In my opinion "spiritual" growth can be discovered in the foundation of organized religion, but, the riverbed is NOT the river.

    The "river" in my opinion is the infinitely flowing spirit of God that courses through each and every one of his children ("the kingdom of heaven is within you."). And when we are led by this spirit, then we really are the children of God.

    And therein lies the trick. How does one tap into that spirit, how does one hear what it says in order to follow its leading and thus become spiritual children of the Father. How do we sip from that "river"? The spirit doesn't after all, exactly shout in your ear does it?

    I think that's where so many humans miss the mark, especially in the west. We miss the point of The Master's stories, parables. We insist on making of them allegories, making them literal; insist on the concept of the "kingdom" and miss the concept of the "family." Children are part of a family, not of a kingdom.

    It's very, very hard to grow a spiritual nature following external rules. Especially the nonsense flowing from the WTBTS. And that's exactly what Jesus meant when he said that he came to put a sword between brothers. When you've heard the faint echo of the spirit, and compare it to what is being spewed from Brooklyn, there's no way you can stay a part of that pig swill and so you leave. And there's the sword between you and your brother - and it's called truth.

    Here is how it's been put to me. The left brain, the seat of logic, and the ego, is loud, noisy, demanding attention, certain of its importance. While the right brain is the seat of intuition, free-flowing association, egoless, quiet, perhaps even it's the seat of the spirit that's within you.

    How can you hear the small, still voice of the spirit with the left brain riot going on all the time? Some people can't even drift off to sleep because the left brain won't shaddup. Also, even if the left brain can be quieted, how can the right-brain spirit act if the stage upon which it is to perform is already occupied by anger, resentments, grudges, lusts, envies, and other functions of the human left brain?

    Thus becoming more spiritual becomes something that you GIVE UP doing as opposed to something that you start doing. That's precisely why the Master said that his yoke was easy and his load was light. The seeker must give up being human in order to concentrate on liberating the pre-existing inner spirit. And it is to that pearl of great price that Jesus spent so much time attempting to instruct us on how to reach.

    Each of us have this brilliant spiritual light pre-existing within. And we're so busy being religious, we don't have time to become spiritual, or even time to learn what that MEANS.

    And that's all I can say right now. I might not even have an audience for this. And there's no point in rattling on when no one's listening.

    Peace and Light to you all,

  • gumby

    Hey frank......yes we are listening to you! I always enjoy your posts as you always put much thought in what you say and try to say what you truly believe. I agree with much of your post.
    I believe many put faith in a religion that fits THEIR wants/needs.
    That is not good! I think a person should search for what seems to be truth to them and try hard to find it. If you find it or think you have found is then you can be spiritual.
    If you really believe it.
    People are always saying how religion instills fear in people and thats why they join a religion or worship fear wrong?????
    Why is fearing God wrong? Do we fear we will make a mistake at our secular job? Do we fear heights?
    We fear many things. Not all fear is bad. Kids fear getting a spanking....does that mean they have mean wicked parents?
    To fear God is not a bad thing to me.

  • Introspection

    Thanks for all the posts everyone. Undecided/Ken, I wanted to address your message. I don't think spirituality is about feeling a certain way at all, even though there is a feeling associated with a relaxed state of mind where alpha or theta waves might be dominant. I don't consider that being spiritual. What is spiritual, I think, can be made manifest in all sorts of things that we do. In fact, I think in some cases it's shown by a lack of feeling a certain way. Someone could be kind because that is their nature, and they wouldn't feel particularly good about themselves because that is very ordinary to them. In fact, sometimes a person can be surprised by some kind of praise..

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