Do You Use Floride?

by sammielee24 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • freydo
  • leavingwt
    Nearly all water on earth contains naturally occurring fluoride at levels below, equal to, or above those used in community water fluoridation. Investigation of the decay preventing effects of naturally occurring fluoride in water led to the start of community water fluoridation in 1945. For more than 60 years scientists have made observations and conducted epidemiological and animal studies to determine the effectiveness and safety of fluoride in water.

  • JWoods

    I believe that I read somewhere that one of the initial papers on the link between fluoride in water and the effect on teeth came from a South Sea island which had a natural fluoride content in the water.

    The natives, even without dental care, had remarkably healthy teeth - and this was noticed and linked to the fluoride content of the water.

  • freydo

    Did it happen to mention the rat population? I recall reading a book by Thor Hyerdahl many years ago. On a S Pacific island he encountered, there was a mountain range right down the middle. On one side the islanders had pearly white teeth. On the other, where there was a sugar refinery, they didn't have many. According to the expert I referenced in a previous post, naturally occurring fluoride does not exist. Furthermore, simply quoting the government to establish the truth is like putting blind faith in the wtbt$. How about some objectivity.

  • leavingwt

    simply quoting the government

    How about 60 years of science?

    Or, you can believe Alex Jones.

    We can all produce an 'expert' to verify any quack claim out there.

  • freydo

    Why don't you provide some science instead of just government links?

    And I haven't quoted anything from Alex Jones.

  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • leavingwt

    A quick Google revealed the following. . .

    Austrailia uses it.

    From Canada's dental association website:

    1. What is fluoride?

    Fluoride is a mineral found in nature. There is fluoride in the ocean, in the earth's crust and in fresh water.

    Is that enough objectivity, or should I continue looking into the policies of more industrialized nations?

    They either honestly think it's safe/good idea or they're involved in a criminal conpsiracy to poison me.

  • leavingwt
    Why don't you provide some science instead of just government links?

    Scientists work at the CDC.

  • JWoods

    I can assure you that fluorine does occur naturally in some water sources.

    I can also assure you that if it really were a serious health hazard, strong efforts would be underway to eliminate it - as is done for micro organisms, mercury, and other pathogens.

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