Power Surges - Bye for Now ...

by compound complex 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Take cover, CA friends! Power's on and off here. Power surges. Rain and heavy winds - up to 90 mph - forecast.

    Take care of your selves ... 'nother surge .........



  • *summer*

    Make sure you unplug your computer. Power surges are a killer.

    Hope the rain and heavy winds do not cause too much damage:-(

    Keep us posted.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, *summer*, for your concern.

    Quiet and calm have returned. Big rigs have overturned, trees are down and cable's out! Over 100,000 PG&E and SMUD customers are without power. Gridlock at our major airport (Sacramento).

    Stay safe,


  • *summer*

    Looks like quite the storm you had!

    It scares me when Nature has a temper tantrum. Makes one feel so small and helpless.

    In any case, comforting to read that quiet and calm have returned:-)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Some of my friends are still w/o power here in Nor Cal ... 2 days.

    How are you doing?


  • Gretchen956

    Heh, I thought this was a menopause thread.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I saw pics on the news about the storm in Cali CoCo! Scary stuff! Glad you are safe and back here with us!


  • compound complex
    compound complex


    For us guys it's getting out of bed and making it to the fridge. LOL!

    Thanks for your take on it.

    Mrs. Bee:

    Thanks for your input and concern. A friend said to unplug my PC and modem. It has a PS protector, but I didn't want to risk it. I originally mentioned power surges; however, it was actually the power going on and off, which is different. In any event, no point in taking chances.

    Have a good day!


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