5 stages

by Anti-Christ 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    very insightful - thanks. I didn't do it in quite that order, starting with depression AND anger. Drifted out of the org. because of depression. always had a lot of anger. A little bit of bargaining - wanting to stay friends with a couple of people, but it didn't last. Bargaining and denial together, I guess. Finally epiphany - realized I didn't believe any of it at all, and acceptance which was wonderful - there's nothing wrong with me, it was the screwed up religion that is crazy.

  • Anti-Christ
    But I would make the very first stage something called the "discovery/epiphany" stage. Denial comes immediately after it.

    Of course the denial comes after the disturbing information.

    there's nothing wrong with me, it was the screwed up religion that is crazy.

    That is the best realisation in my opinion. When your raised in a religion that constantly makes you feel guilty for just being human, it's a great feeling after when you accept that they are the ones with the problem.

  • hamsterbait

    I am now at the last stage and it feels wonderful.

    The switch clicked in my head after I did the labotious counting of memorial figures, and finally confirmed what I suspected. The earthly/ heavenly class doctrines are deceitful crap.


  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Agreed Anti-Christ. The denial comes after the disturbing information stage that creates the cognitive dissonance, not after the epiphany stage. That makes more sense. Thanks.

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