NEW "annointed" since 1935 - hilarious!!!

by hamsterbait 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    This may explain the problem. There are a certain number of those baptized after 1935 that partake without actually being of the anointed. If you take a group that is roughly 16 million, you can expect a certain percent of them to partake even after they were told explicitly not to. This could include those that are of any age. Generally, most of the partakers are people pulling pranks. If you have only 100 genuine anointed, that means 8600 pranks. That is roughly one partaking prank per 2,000 in attendance, which can be expected with this kind of group.

    And it's only going to get worse now. After the release of the 1935 being abolished, more people are going to pull this prank and get away with it. Then they will be counted, adding even more to the numbers. However, as much as I would like to see apostates partaking just to foul up the numbers, I doubt that they count known apostates that partake (so much for having 150,000 apostates partaking to throw off the whole 144,000 doctrine).

  • BluesBrother

    EXCELLENT! Running Man..

    Of course , according to the cherished belief of many decades, Does that mean that all but 64 of the ten thousand odd partakers in 1935, proved unfaithful and had to be replaced?

  • hamsterbait

    Am i being too irreverant?


    maybe i too can live in hell on earth if i am good enough?



    Actually..Now..It`s the 432,000.....God is building an addition onto Heaven,to compensate for the WBT$ screw ups.....He had to.....Or..The WBT$ would fire him!!................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Oh, this can all be rather easily explained in a way the dubs will lap it up. Here's a couple options...

    There has got to be a scripture somewhere in all that Revelation crap that could easily explain thousands of the first & second century Christians being downgraded to the Other Sheeples. Something like: " (Revelation 8:5) 5 But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with some of the fire of the altar [first & second century un-anointed] and hurled it to the earth [Other Sheepleland]." If the dubs will buy the whole faithful and discreet slave class authority based on one lame scriptural passage, they'll swallow this hook, line, and sinker.

    Or maybe they can use the 4 faced angels to explain how 4 earthly Christians are fused into 1 heavenly anointed 'creature'. That might explain 144,000 X 4 = 576,000 earthly anointed. Of course, then they'd have to change all the published pictures of the heavenly anointed.

    B the X

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Billy, then add to that the 24 elders. and we know that the new light can teach us that each of the 24 elders represent 144,000 anointed ones... giving us voila! 3,456,000 anointed ones... which is adequate to explain the new amounts of anointed ones throughout history...

    Let's see what new light they pull out of their asses.....

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