Mindfulness, mindlessness, even-mindedness...

by nvrgnbk 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    This is a great thread - thanks for starting it, nrv. Whatever is done with full attention, without regard to past or future, without labeling or judging anything, will bring about "meditation" - housework, meals, walking, whatever it is simply be totally absorbed in what the present activity is. And if there is no activity, then be fully present with that as well. Life is here, now - that's all there is, so just pay attention to "what is", also without labeling or judging anything. As has been already pointed out, the mind is only a tool, so when it isn't needed lay it aside and be consciously present with what is. Tolle brilliantly fleshes this out in The Power of Now, A New Earth, and Stillness Speaks. I especially recommend the audio version of Stillness Speaks. Simply listen and don't worry about understanding it at the level of the mind - just let go and drop into presence and you'll discover the peace that is always here.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Happy New Year everyone!

    I started it out with the most awesome meditaiton. For the first time I felt like I had truly achieved a state of deep relaxation and alertness and letting go of "crazy monkey mind". It only took 2 years! I'm a slow learner.

    Mindfulness is truly a "practice" and sitting in stillness is only the practice for the real mindfulness of staying present and mindful as we go about every activity of our daily life, eating, sleeping,working, loving.


  • frankiespeakin

    I did my mental stillnes, a couple of nights ago with 10 - 15 drops of some really good LSD a couple of canabis capsules, and serval big fat joints, within 5 minutes I was crawling to my bed afraid of falling, I play loud shaman drumming music and let my mind journey to where no body can go only mind with very little effort by the entitee I call me, just go no fight let vision and drumming carry you away. I think my mind was still or my ego was still might be a better word. I let subconscous rule my body I just watch with what I come to call "me" I howl like a wolf, I see world though different animals my mind just watch mainly sometimes try to identify but most watch. I think that is mindfulness.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    Letting the mind wander on a LSD induced journey is not the same as resting in the quiet stillness of the present moment, aware of all that truly is right here, right now. It is not being "present". It is going on a "trip". Some believe it opens up gateways to other levels of consciousness. I think that is a delusion, a shortcut. I say that not from a place of judgement but from experience. I have done LSD and had a great trip or two. Still, it is a trip to nowhere. The human mind is capable of great levels of conscious awareness, and altered mind states, all on its own, through concentration, discipline, and practice.

    May you have peace!


  • SnakesInTheTower

    welcome back nate


    Tolle brilliantly fleshes this out in The Power of Now, A New Earth, and Stillness Speaks

    I bought this book on the recommendation of someone else here.... couldnt get into it...my mind is entirely too busy to follow Tolle's book and quietly let my mind do what he suggests....

    I resold it on Amazon...had it sold within a few minutes of posting the listing.......LOL..didnt lose much money on it...

    Snakes ()

  • poppers
    From Snakes: I bought this book on the recommendation of someone else here.... couldnt get into it...my mind is entirely too busy to follow Tolle's book and quietly let my mind do what he suggests....

    The key to peace is seeing what one does to keep peace at bay, namely, letting the many ways for mind/ego intrude on what is happening. One of those ways of ego/mind is to think "I don't get it". There is nothing to figure out or understand, only notice. Tolle is pointing to something beyond the mind to that which notices what mind does, and then resting/abiding in that. It sounds very confusing to the mind but it is simplicity itself - to abide in what you are rather than getting distracted by what you think you are. People gradually form an image of themselves in the mind and then identify with that image. Tolle is trying to get people to let go of that image and see that they are that in which all mental activity arises - consciousness. Free of mental activity there is peace, stillness, and silence - it is what you are. Mindfulness is one of those practices that can free you from mental activity so that the underlying consciousness can be realized.

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