Is it official policy that elders MUST advise the parent to report abuse?

by Must obey! 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • tooktheredpill

    Must Obey: I posted a similar question in another thread: .

    There I mentioned the only 2 letters we currently have in the congregation archives. None of them give specific instructions about how to deal with child abuse allegations. It only says that you need to "call the Legal Department". (Obviously, you will not have anything in writing from them!). And says NOTHING about conforting the victim!

    They are doing the very similarly in the Elder's schools. They dictate, and you have to write the changes in your own book... They don't gave you anything printed... And all the changes are to cover the Organization's back.


  • 5go

    It is official the elders must make the society ( I said it just to spite the recent council not to use the term ) look good. That is it!

    Also we at the bottom must also strive to make the society look good no matter how bad it looks.

  • looloo

    i was told by the police and cps that jws in general and an elder was not very helpful during the investigation , there are some jws that have refused to give statements which meant that charges could not be persued with concerning my child , i know that the police were not at all impressesed by some jws at all

  • looloo

    bible trained concience did not come into it, sweep it under the carpet did , secrets and lies is all i know from the cong , so glad im in the world where people really care .

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Good analysis Besty

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