I joined a church

by larc 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Joined yet another church,

    Whew! That's two in one day.

    It is found at http://www.landoverbaptist.org

    Folks this site is a parady of fundies, so if you are a fundie, don't go there. It may upset you.

  • ashitaka

    Lol, what a hoot.

  • teejay

    Thanks larc for the offer of joining your church. I'm sure it's lovely.

    As it is, I'm already an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church ( http://www.ulc.net/) -- got my paperwork via email. Hell, I can even marry people. I'd have to apostatize to join your church, and we wouldn't want that. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's apostates.

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