Circuit Assembly This Weekend

by united states of nothing 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Warlock
    In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect.



  • dinah

    Ridiculous! They are just covering their assets. No one is forced to follow their rules. I wonder if a jury would be able to see through all this in a trial?

  • Hortensia

    "avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect."

    yes, that is a really funny sentence. I had to read it a couple of times to believe it - my god that's funny!

  • darkuncle29

    Wow, those phony MySpaces are funny.

    USoN, glad you came back to the board.

  • metatron

    We should all applaud the moron who accused the brothers of being rebellious from the platform. Why?

    Because doing that injures the organization - and the Society knows it. Such remarks contradict the childish notion that the

    organization is "clean". It suggests that dissent is widespread and unconquered. It can "upset the applecart" of fantasy that guide

    Witnesses in their fairytale notion of a Divinely guided group.


  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    does anyobody know when the next assembly is in western australia ????

  • WTWizard

    I hope they do hunt for my MySpace page. They are going to have a miserable time at it, since I put my handle as something that they would never guess, and I was intentionally vague at putting my town and other details on my profile (something I recommend to protect from predators anyway). Even if they find it, they are never going to think it's me. They are going to have to read the apostate blogs I put there in their entirity to figure it out.

    "You are being rebellious!" I have some disturbing news for that hounder-hounder-hounder. He is being stupid. What happens when you try doing things the same way and expect different results? You are not going to get them. You crack down on college, people are going to be poor and later bitter. Crack down on entertainment? People are going to rebel. I predict that more parents are going to clamp down hard on children's music, recreational time, and fun only to find that those children are going to be tomorrow's apostates. Maybe if they eased up significantly, more people would be willing to stay, and there would be less fault for those bent on ruining them to find.

    Not even having one drink and then driving? That is going to the extreme. I do not encourage drinking and driving. And, there may be times when having even a single drink can be dangerous. If the weather is bad, traffic is exceptionally heavy and hazardous, and/or you are on a long trip where there is the risk of sleeping at the wheel, then it might be wise to not even have that one drink before. However, if all you are doing is making a familiar short trip in fair weather, it is not going to hurt too much to have a single drink. Of course, those who are alcoholics or are unusually sensitive to alcohol might find that even a single drink can significantly impair their driving. Better safe than sorry, regardless of whether or not you are in a cult.

    I think I would rather be on MySpace than go to that wastefest. At least there I can find music, post apostate blogs, and get into debates with witlesses that insist on doing things the same way each time and expecting a different outcome. Some people never learn. Besides, they can take those "privileges(??)" and shove them.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    Wow, isn't it great that people that go to the hall do not listen. Thy could sleep late on Saturdays and get the same results.

    With this anti-college stance, more will be fading away until they get a degree.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    Guilt and peer pressure always worked for me when I was dilligent and active. Pounding the platform is very effective. I am not going to MY Space for at least another hour.

    The typical scare tatics of the past.

  • monophonic

    it's a good thing that the FDS brings this updated enlightenment from God himself.

    thou shall not use the term society.

    thou shall not have a account.

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