A Sense Of Worth

by golf2 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • golf2

    Like sports, work is like a religion to me, I must do something. The feeling of accomplishing something everyday gives me a sense of worth, this entails doing small things for others. I never tell people what I'm up to, I surprise them.

    How about you? What gives you a sense of worth?


  • nomoreguilt

    Since leaving jw, I find no greater pleasure and sense of self worth by giving unrequittedly of myself to others. I no longer expect anything in return from another soul. We are all capable of making ourselves over from whence we were indoctrinated.

  • golf2

    nomoreguilt, right on! By breaking away from guilt feelings, what a relief we experience. I remember when the elders expelled me, relief came over me instantly, it felt as though a sheet over my head had been removed. I still remember that day as though it was yesterday.


  • R.Crusoe

    My job used to give me a sense of worth - but that was 5 years ago.

  • golf2

    Crusoe, did you mean 'cents' of worth?


  • R.Crusoe

    golf~ it's complex! cents worth was cool but the worst bit was self worth and worth amongst others in ways which I was part of some dynamic in my own life. I felt my spiritual dynamic was wasted after the borg influence and the job was my hitching a ride to my next station in life but I got dropped way out in some wilderness and on a trail I haven't liked in many ways - least not at a personal home alone and close relationship level and in ways I could have better helped my kids socially as well as career wise which then affects their view of me and our 'life bonding' in general. Stuff has a domino effect! Before you know it your unhappy and going back wards so that each day has the potential to be less than the already UNhappy day before it. So BLANK IT OUT is a commonly used mental strategy to maintain the deep depression as a point of reference for possible foundations of a future as you slowly sink day by day month by month year nby year. Taking everything into account is too great a task and would maybe put suicidal on the breakfast menu everyday.

    I found something which helps me ground myself as a solitary person {something I hate in some ways but has become habit forming-(another conundrum) but am unsure how successful it will be or if I even have the inner strength for it. It tells me I need to tune into the strength that moves the moon around the Earth and pulls the seas up like sheets on a beach. And the spirit that brings a grey covered sky to help the birds on the wing and the life in the trees. It is in the natives of every land on Earth. For me just now it is the White magick of Wicca. I feel a bit stupid at times but hey what's new??

  • erynw

    Giving myself 100% for someone else.

  • R.Crusoe


    -is a site with info for anyone interested. Weird in some ways but I look for what suits me. It may help that I have zero fear of any spirits even if they came into a dark room I was alone in. Also I dont believe in spirits unless they come visit me!! lol. But thats part of this anyhow - not having fears.

    I think the fact that it relates to native dwellers in my homeland is of significance to me!! Though I'm not sure! Maybe it relates to all natives on Earth?

  • golf2

    Crusoe, who are these natives?


  • Carmel

    I'm with you Golf. Random acts of good will in addition to a job that is directed toward the benefit of humanity gives me a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. I could probably do more but a little self indulgence in a ball game now and then helps me maintain my equilibrium. carmel

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