What keeps most members in the ''spiritual netting'' of the WTS?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    fear & hope

  • oompa

    Sticking with your illustration, and reading all these fine posts, I will go with but one one. Nets keep you there by limiting the control of feathers, beaks, legs or for fish, mainly their mouth and gill area, and tail.

    CONTROL..........of thought, knowledge (education), entertainment, desires(passion, as well as hopes for the future), emotion (fear, happiness), and of course concience (have a clean one by our standards or live in guilt you filthy swine).......................................................oompa

  • Kayta

    being born and raised to know nothing else. Of course you believe it is right since you are taught that from a babe

  • blondie

    What gets them in, promise of everlasting life on a paradise earth and seeing the resurrected friends and family they have lost. Once in, disfellowshipping and shunning by family and friends. Some really don't care about the doctrines and God is not real to them since they do things they know that are unloving and that God sees.

    It has to get pretty bad, sad, cruel, and mean over a long period of time before they think about leaving.


  • cskyjw.sun

    fear of being shunned

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