Happy Solstice To All!!

by Seeker4 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Hey, all JWDers!

    Hope you have a wonderful Solstice today. Tonight I will toast you all as we burn a candle against the darkness and enjoy the incredible adventure of being alive on this remarkable planet.

    My seasonal best to my brothers and sisters scattered across its beautiful surface.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks Seeker4!!

    We're gonna be sacrificing a couple virgins and drinking some pigs blood.

    How 'bout you guys?

    Open Mind

  • Seeker4

    I have a feeling that there won't be a virgin in sight when Lori and I are celebrating!!

    Enjoy, my friend.


  • Carmel

    Thanks! Mrs. Carmel and I will be having a special Thai dinner in recognitions of our 44th aniversery! One should always get married on the longest night of the year'!! Yeah, for winter solstice! carmel

  • BrentR

    Thanks Seeker4! Solstice to me means the days will start getting longer by aprrox 2 minutes each day. The short days play hell with my mood and I always like seeing them get longer. I get to come out of my emotional hybernation.

  • diamondblue1974

    Blessed Solstice 2007

    We visited my favourite stone circle this morning up in Cumbria.


  • stillajwexelder

    I will try my best to have a happy solstice

  • changeling

    Right back atcha!


  • Shawn10538

    Elegantly stated. Back atcha big guy.

  • *summer*

    At this time of year, I am usually in Lake Wales Fla for Winter Solstice with my Kundalini Yoga brothers and sisters. But this year, it wasn't meant to be:-( Brahma willing, I will see them all at Summer Solstice in the Jemez Mountains of New-Mexico:-)

    Happy Winter Solstice to all. Days are now getting longer:-)


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