Bullying is a crime!

by Gill 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Gill, your hubby would be better to go on sick leave and not return. If the union are going for constructive dismissal against his employers, if he wins his case, he will be paid all or most of his lost earnings on top of compensation - this is especially helpful if the case is long and drawn out - don't forget, unfair/constructive dismissals can take nearly a couple of years before they even come to a formal tribunal.

    He may be able to sue for damage to health under the Health & safety at Work Act 1974 - because his employers, assuming they have done nothing about this tyrant in spite of evidence, are failing in their 'duty of care' toward their employees. The union might look at that later though - constructive dismissal claim comes first.

    Plus, personal health comes first and it doesn't sound too good at the moment.

    Wishing him every success in his claim. Take good care of him

  • Gill

    Thank you Quietlyleaving!

    Sad Emo - I am trying to persuade him to go back to the doctors tomorrow and then go on the sick, hopefully for a least a month. He is getting very thin and is not sleeping very much at night. His old problem of stomach ulcers appears to have flared up and he is back on strong medication for that. He is not his usual self at all and the time has come to just get away from the place....at least for a while......but hopefully while away from the place he will look for another job. It's very difficult to force someone who is verging on breakdown to accept what is the matter with them and what has caused it. It would be nice if depression ends up being the only result of this bullying. Breakdown just takes too long to recover from, and the scars never heal.

    We're in a position where it is impossible for me to go back to work. I have had multiple breakdowns in my life and the scars are too many. I feel useless to help. I don't want him to have the same scars. Someone has to be sane in our family and it has always been him who has been a total rock.

  • Swan

    I am so sorry your husband is going through this. I am going through a similar situation at work, but the US doesn't have any clear laws against it yet. The union has put them on notice though.

    It is a very difficult and stressful thing that your husband is going through. He will feel he has to watch every move he makes so as not to trigger an attack. A manager may attack for any insignificant matter of opinion or semantics. At other times the manager may even be nice. It's almost like the relationship between an abusive spouse and his or her victim, where the abuser tries to make up for things. Then something triggers the abuse again.


  • Gill

    Tammy - You are so right! It is just waiting for the next attack and being on guard all of the time that causes the terrible feelings of stress and fear. You just don't know what is going to switch these types of people into attack mode and it could be absolutely nothing to do with anything you do personally.

    I thought that the US had some pretty strong laws and that that employers could be sued personally if they bullied their employees or is that just not in every state?

  • anglise


    sorry to read what you are going through ATM.

    I think there are laws in place the problem is in proving anything and getting work collegues to back you up.

    Is a change of job possible


  • Gill

    Anglise - Thanks. He went back to the GP today who has put him on the sick for the next month and he sees the counsellor in a couple of weeks.

    A change of job is probably inevitable but I don't think he's going to be up to thinking about that for a little while yet. The Trade Union informed him last night that they had contacted an employment lawyer and he would be arranging a meeting very soon. So.....he's gone to bed and is fast asleep. It will take time for him to realise that he has no choice but to move on. I'd rather he had just depression than progress onto a full blown break down so it's time for him to have some peace.....for a little while at least. The doctor was very help ful and very sympathetic and they have a massive display up in the surgery at the moment about bullying and abuse. So they seem to be up with this problem and what it is doing to people. The doctor he saw last week said that bullying in employment is out of control at the moment and too many people are too poor, uneducated and just not protected enough to stand up to the bullys. It's very sad and upsetting.

  • Mary

    Did ja do what I suggested Gill? It'll make you feel LOTS better----I guarantee it.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I'm glad your hubby's gone on sick leave. You probably know though that at the moment he'll be getting in a panic about going back. I hope the counselling helps him get through that phase.

    You're absolutely right about the general employment situation, ordinary folks are being run into the ground, it's been getting worse for ages and I see that continuing I always used to be in bother with management because I had a strong union grounding - they don't like employees who know their rights! The problem is that employees take the crap for so long that they actually lose the will to fight back - it becomes a case of "anything for a quiet life", so until they wake up again, it's not looking good.

  • chappy

    Many of those bullys that we endured in grammer and high school didn't just wise up when they grew up; they're still around and many of them are in positions of authority. They have the knack of being able to put on a completely different face around their own bosses. These people are truly sick and many of them are also abusers at home. As several other posters have recommended aquire as much documentation as possible; just don't let them know doing it! Trust me, they will find a way to get even! Then if you can't get satisfaction from your bosses superiors with this evidence...sue the hell out of them! Many companies have paid out millions over the past several years for allowing this crap. The way I see it, they had it coming.


  • BluesBrother

    Brittain in 2007.....Too right Gill.

    With the demise of the power of the Unions the employers exercise the muscle . I have been having a hard time lately myself with my employer although no where near as bad . Another in the family has suffered workplace bullying similar to your husband . The firm has a policy against it but it is hard to get them to recognize that it is happening

    When she suffered she found this book to be a great source of comfort and practical help " BULLY IN SIGHT" by TIM FIELD.


    I hope your husband can find the answer to this ..Lets hope his Union rep is on the ball...

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