what is supposedly resurrected at resurrection?

by iblowmynoseatyou 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586
    The resurrected ones will likely be recreated with whole, sound, healthy bodies, though not yet having human perfection.

    So you are made a cloned body, DIRECTLY BY GOD, yet this cloned body can't be a perfect copy JUST YET...

    Because of the miracle of resurrection, they will evidently not thereafter need repair of any former disabilities by the miracle of healing.

    Ok, so it's a good body, free from disability, healthy, whole, etc, but the perfection part is lacking. "Evidently" = we're making this part up.

    On the other hand, because of their unique experience of surviving Armageddon, miraculous repair is what many of the great crowd will need and will receive.

    What kind of repair? Are we going to come through with mental problems? Why can't we sign on to the clone program and get insta-god clones which are pretty good but not quite complete because---

    AAAAAAHHHHHHHH I don't get this CRAP!

  • sspo

    The generic answer for EVERYTHING among the Jw's was "Trust in Jehovah" "Wait on Jehovah"

    It still pisses me off when i hear that.

  • TD

    The most imaginative answer I've ever heard from a JW who actually grasped the problem (As you observed, many don't.) was this,

    "At the time of resurrection, God can reach back in time to the moment of your death and unite your consciousness in the past with a new body in the present. Resurrection is a form of time travel for the mind."

    (If you're wondering, yes this JW is a Dr. Who fan.)

    Of course this begs the question of what is actually transferred from the old body to the new. --Closely akin to the question of how the mind of the spirit creature Jesus got into the body of the human creature Jesus. (Few JW's grasp that problem either.)

  • AuldSoul

    According to the JW answer: "In that day his thoughts do perish."

    Except ... his thoughts do NOT perish if they live on in the mind of God awaiting a regenesis (which is very different from "standing again") of a body for those thoughts to be housed in.

    It is a conundrum for which they have no answer.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    What is resurrected is a "mutant" who will not have the same emotions and needs as he once did. He will have no genitals as he won't need them, so he or she or it, will be very different.

  • twistedsister

    I was always taught that afterthe resurrection, those resurrected would not be allowed to marry - any thoughts on why?


  • belbab


    I too, followed with interest your previous nose- blowing thread.
    Let me hand you another Kleenex or two.

    About the Big R. word:
    The cells of your body are said to die and renew themselves daily; especially when we go to sleep.

    Where did your cells come from?

    “I don’t know where I’m going

    I don’t know where I bin

    I only know I am right now

    I’m told I live in sin.

    Where do cells go before they return to ashes?

    Each of us are not only cells. We have thoughts, feelings, memories, hopes ,beliefs. Where did these come from? Did they come in four magazines a month and five hours of boredom in a windowless building?

    Where is who-you-are going?
    Have you invested your thoughts elsewhere by poking doorbellies. Have you hidden your true feelings up in the dark hidden diary of your heart? Have your hopes and aspirations been buried in a time box to be opened two thou in the future? Have you printed your stuff in a book or posted them on JWD?

    Where did the cells, thoughts, feelings, teachings of the Son of Man come from and where did they go for three and half years and onward? No mystery unless you create it.

    As for the account of people who came out of the graveyard and ran into the city, they were people who were already considered by the populace as good-as-dead and they also considered themselves at endsville doors. Despair and depression is death. Today these people are buried in old-folks home and palliative care beds.

    The answers are all here, right in the present.

    Start with the question, where did I come from?

    Try googling “past lives". See if you come up with anything you can live with.

    belbab, of the nose-bleeding class

  • Paralipomenon

    Most witnesses don't give too much thought to the resurrection as they feel they won't be part of it.

    They all think they'll live through Armageddon, that is, until they die.

    I would dearly love to be privy to the thoughts of a witness getting close to dying of old age. They would have given up their main hope and settled for their second choice. Sad.

  • Cindi_67

    I was always taught that afterthe resurrection, those resurrected would not be allowed to marry - any thoughts on why?

    The Bible doesn't say why. The question was posed by one of the Saducees to Jesus, because they didn't believe in the resurrection. They asked if a woman became a widow 7 times and remarried each time, in the resurrection which of the husbands will she choose? Jesus replied that no one, because the resurrected are like angels, they will not marry or give themselves to marriage. But no reason was given.

  • Mary
    Undecided said: What about Matt. 27:52,53? "They came out of the tombs and went into the city, those faithful men of old." You would think it would have been mentioned again by some bible writer. What do you think of that scripture?

    My understanding is that the Borg does not teach that a resurrection happened when Jesus died. What they teach is that when the earthquake happened (at the moment of Jesus' death), it cracked open alot of the tombs, flung the corpses out and the people who saw this are the ones being talked about when they say "they came out from the tombs..."

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