Witnesses are Just Protestants on Crack.

by jwfacts 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    ... or is LSD.

    I do not affiliate myself with any religious organization. In one of the few conversations I have had with any of my family members since being disfellowshipped, my Aunty said that was logical that I can not find another religion, as if I was not going to be a JW then "there certainly isn't any other religion that is better." To me that sort of thinking could only come from someone tripping. I can think of a lot of other religions that would be better to belong to .... to start with - any that do not try impose shunning of family members.

    Cults (pardon the term), such as the Watchtower Society, are a step worse than main stream religion for the simple reason that they are based on delusion. Truth relates to knowledge gained in the form of experience and learning. The common underlying themes in religion

    – such as descriptions of life after death – are unprovable assertions, these unproven religious ideas are beliefs. Religions such as the Watchtower Society go beyond belief by promoting delusion – the deliberate suspension of knowledge in favour of belief.

    It is not hard to prove Witnesses are deluded. They have stated in God's name specific dates for when the end would come; and it did not. (http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/prophet.htm) That alone proves God does not direct Watchtower belief, yet a Witness is prepared to die for doctrine appearing in the Watchtower, or shun their own family.

    If Witnesses went to kingdom halls to smoke crack I could excuse them for their guillibility. But because they have no such excuse for holding to their bigotted beliefs, I can not come away from any conversation with a Witness with feeling extremely upset - that's my rant for the day.

  • penny2

    I steer away from conversations about "the truth" with JW relatives these days. They almost always end in grief.

  • jwfacts

    It was so unusual to have one of my JW family even talk to me that I did not say anything in reply. There were a number of statments she made that I wanted to correct, but let them all go. I doubt she will ever change, so I would rather keep the lines of communication open these days.

  • Satanus

    They are definitely protestants on crack or crystal meth. Protestants on lsd would be pentacostals. Some pentles, the nicer ones are protestants on weed ;)


  • nvrgnbk
  • jwfacts
    Protestants on lsd would be pentacostals. Some pentles, the nicer ones are protestants on weed ;)

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    The name of this thread: I have been saying that now for three years....

    Funny you came up with the same thought....


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    My thoughts exactly

  • Hortensia

    Thanks for a good laugh! I'm going to remember this one...

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